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[XaraXtreme-commits] Commit Complete
Commit by : alex
Repository : xara
Revision : 889
Date : Wed Apr 26 10:31:13 BST 2006
Changed paths:
M /Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/build-resources.sh
Make Scripts/build-resources.sh only compile new resources when necessary
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/build-resources.sh
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/build-resources.sh (revision 888)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/build-resources.sh (revision 889)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# We should set this to 0
# A checksum routine - it doesn't much matter what it is
@@ -18,18 +18,24 @@
if ( test ! -d xrc ) ; then mkdir xrc; fi;
if ! [ -e xrc/xrc.d ] ; then touch xrc/xrc.d ; sleep 1 ; fi
( find $TOPDIR/wxOil/xrc/$XARALANGUAGE -maxdepth 1 -name '*.xrc' ; find $TOPDIR/wxOil/xrc -maxdepth 1 -name '*.png' -or -name '*.ico' -or -name '*.cur' -or -name '*.bmp' -or -name '*.res' -or -name '*.xar' ) | perl -e 'while(<>) {chomp; s/
//; push @F, $_}; printf "xrc/dialogs.xrc xrc/strings.xrc xrc/strings.lst xrc/xaralx.po: xrc/xrc.stamp %s
",join (" ",sort @F);' > xrc/xrc.d.$$ ;
-if ( ! ( cmp -s xrc/xrc.d.$$ xrc/xrc.d) ) ; then touch xrc/xrc.stamp ; mv xrc/xrc.d.$$ xrc/xrc.d ; echo Found new resources 1>&2 ; else rm -f xrc/xrc.d.$$; fi ;
+if ( ! ( cmp -s xrc/xrc.d.$$ xrc/xrc.d) ) ; then touch xrc/xrc.stamp ; mv xrc/xrc.d.$$ xrc/xrc.d ; echo Found new resources 1>&2 ; NEWRES=1; else rm -f xrc/xrc.d.$$; fi ;
if ! [ -e xrc/xrc.stamp ] ; then touch xrc/xrc.stamp ; fi
# we should here go through all the files in xrc.d and check their dates
+XRCDIALOGS=`perl -ane 'foreach $f (@F) { push @G,$f if $f=~/${XARALANGUAGE}\/.+\.xrc$/ && $f!~/-strings\.xrc$/};print join(" ",@G)."
";' < xrc/xrc.d`
+XRCSTRINGS=`perl -ane 'foreach $f (@F) { push @G,$f if $f=~/${XARALANGUAGE}\/.+\.xrc$/ };print join(" ",@G)."
";' < xrc/xrc.d`
+XRCBITMAPS=`perl -ane 'foreach $f (@F) { push @G,$f if $f=~/\.(png|ico|cur|bmp|res|xar)$/};print join(" ",@G)."
";' < xrc/xrc.d`
+XRCALL=`perl -ane 'foreach $f (@F) { push @G,$f if $f=~/${XARALANGUAGE}\/.+$/ };print join(" ",@G)."
";' < xrc/xrc.d`
+if test "$NEWRES" -eq 0 ; then
+ NEWRES=`echo $XRCALL xrc/xrc.stamp | perl -ane '$x=0;$m=(stat("resources.cpp"))[9];foreach $f (@F) {if ((stat($f))[9]>$m) {$x=1;break;}};print "$x
if test "$NEWRES" -eq 1 ; then
echo "Rebuilding resources" 1>&2
rm -f xrc/xrc.check xrc/resources.xrs xrc/dialogs.xrc xrc/strings.xrc xrc/strings.lst 1>&2 2>/dev/null;
- XRCDIALOGS=`perl -ane 'foreach $f (@F) { push @G,$f if $f=~/${XARALANGUAGE}\/.+\.xrc$/ && $f!~/-strings\.xrc$/};print join(" ",@G)."
";' < xrc/xrc.d`
- XRCSTRINGS=`perl -ane 'foreach $f (@F) { push @G,$f if $f=~/${XARALANGUAGE}\/.+\.xrc$/ };print join(" ",@G)."
";' < xrc/xrc.d`
- XRCBITMAPS=`perl -ane 'foreach $f (@F) { push @G,$f if $f=~/\.(png|ico|cur|bmp|res|xar)$/};print join(" ",@G)."
";' < xrc/xrc.d`
echo "Combining dialog & string resources" 1>&2 && \
touch xrc/strings.xrc && \n