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[XaraXtreme-commits] Commit Complete

Commit by  : luke
Repository : xara
Revision   : 918
Date       : Fri Apr 28 17:39:24 BST 2006

Changed paths:
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bmapprev.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/exjpeg.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/impexpop.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/main2.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/stdwx.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/bmapprev.xrc

Bulk of export setup dialog present, some rough edge still need smoothing though (Tabbed dialogs also supported)

Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bmapprev.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bmapprev.cpp	(revision 917)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bmapprev.cpp	(revision 918)
@@ -243,8 +243,6 @@
 	BOOL ok = TRUE;
-PORTNOTE("other","Removed wizard pages code")
 	// flag indicating we are doing a bitmap export
 	BOOL bExportABitmap = (m_pExportOptions->GetSelectionType() == ABITMAP);
@@ -254,8 +252,11 @@
+PORTNOTE("other","Removed registry usage")
 		// Not exporting a bitmap from the bitmap gallery
 		if (!m_bSlicingImage)
 			ok = AddAPage(_R(IDD_TBITMAPSIZE));
@@ -268,7 +269,6 @@
 	// design notes stuff on the image map page is needed in image slicing
 	if (ok && m_bSlicingImage)
 		ok = AddAPage(_R(IDD_TIMAPOPTIONS));
 	return (ok); 
@@ -1159,8 +1159,6 @@
 	DialogMsg* Msg = ((DialogMsg*) Message); 
-PORTNOTETRACE("other","BmapPrevDlg::Message - Do nothing");
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
 	BOOL EndDialog = FALSE;		// TRUE if we should quit the dialog
 //	BOOL CommitValues = FALSE; 	// TRUE if we should commit the dialog values
@@ -1189,81 +1187,90 @@
 	// Determine from what page the message originated
-	switch (Msg->PageID)
+	if( Msg->PageID == _R(IDD_TBITMAPSIZE) )
+		HandleBitmapSizeTabMsg(Msg); 
+PORTNOTE("other", "Remove palette usage" )
+#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
+	else
+	if( Msg->PageID == _R(IDD_TPALETTE) )
+		HandlePaletteTabMsg(Msg);
+	else
+	if( Msg->PageID == _R(IDD_TIMAPOPTIONS) )
+		HandleImageMapTabMsg(Msg); 
+	else
+	if( Msg->PageID == _R(IDD_TBROWSER) )
+		HandleBrowserPreviewTabMsg(Msg); 
+	else
+	if( Msg->PageID == _R(IDD_TBITMAPOPTIONS) )
+		HandleBitmapOptionsTabMsg(Msg);
+	else
+	if( Msg->PageID == 0 )
-			HandleBitmapSizeTabMsg(Msg); 
-			break;
-		case _R(IDD_TPALETTE):
-			HandlePaletteTabMsg(Msg); 
-			break;
-			HandleImageMapTabMsg(Msg); 
-			break;
-		case _R(IDD_TBROWSER):
-			HandleBrowserPreviewTabMsg(Msg); 
-			break;
-			HandleBitmapOptionsTabMsg(Msg);
-			break;
-		case 0:
-			// A message generated from the tabbed dialog itself
-			switch (Msg->DlgMsg)
+		// A message generated from the tabbed dialog itself
+		switch (Msg->DlgMsg)
+		{
+			case DIM_CREATE:
-				case DIM_CREATE:
+				if (!OnCreate()) // initialise
-					if (!OnCreate()) // initialise
-					{
-						ERROR3("Problem in OnCreate()");
-						return FAIL;
-					}
-					// disable browser preview for now
-//					BOOL Old = m_bDoPreviewInBrowser; // remember the value of the flag
-//					m_bDoPreviewInBrowser = FALSE; // disable browser preview
-//					DoPreview(); // do preview
-//					m_bDoPreviewInBrowser = Old; // restore the setting
-					//  Set up the bubble-help timer.
-					SetTimer(BUBBLE_HELP_TIMMER_ID, 100);
-					break;
+					ERROR3("Problem in OnCreate()");
+					return FAIL;
+				// disable browser preview for now
+//				BOOL Old = m_bDoPreviewInBrowser; // remember the value of the flag
+//				m_bDoPreviewInBrowser = FALSE; // disable browser preview
+//				DoPreview(); // do preview
+//				m_bDoPreviewInBrowser = Old; // restore the setting
-				case DIM_COMMIT:		// Close dialog and insert the bitmap in the document
-					EndDialog = TRUE;
-					BmapPrevDlg::m_bClickedOnExport = TRUE;
-					ImageMapOnCommit();		// Save the image map values
-					break;
+PORTNOTE("other", "Remove bubble help timer usage" );
+#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
+			//  Set up the bubble-help timer.
+				SetTimer(BUBBLE_HELP_TIMMER_ID, 100);
+				break;
+			}
-				case DIM_SOFT_COMMIT:		// Update the preview
-					EndDialog = FALSE;
-					DoPreview();
-					BmapPrevDlg::m_bClickedOnExport = FALSE;
-					break; 
+			case DIM_COMMIT:		// Close dialog and insert the bitmap in the document
+				EndDialog = TRUE;
+PORTNOTE("other", "Remove bubble help timer usage" );
+#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
+				BmapPrevDlg::m_bClickedOnExport = TRUE;
+				ImageMapOnCommit();		// Save the image map values
+				break;
-				case DIM_CANCEL:		// Close dialog and don't insert the bitmap in the document
-					EndDialog = TRUE;
-					BmapPrevDlg::m_bClickedOnExport = FALSE;
-					// we have cancelled so these options are not valid
-					m_pExportOptions->MarkInvalid();
-					break;
+			case DIM_SOFT_COMMIT:		// Update the preview
+				EndDialog = FALSE;
+				DoPreview();
+				BmapPrevDlg::m_bClickedOnExport = FALSE;
+				break; 
-					// If they clicked on the help button
-					if (Msg->GadgetID == IDHELP)
-						OnHelpButtonClicked();
-					break;
+			case DIM_CANCEL:		// Close dialog and don't insert the bitmap in the document
+				EndDialog = TRUE;
+PORTNOTE("other", "Remove bubble help timer usage" );
+#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
+				BmapPrevDlg::m_bClickedOnExport = FALSE;
+				// we have cancelled so these options are not valid
+				m_pExportOptions->MarkInvalid();
+				break;
-				default:
-					break;
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			ERROR3("Message from unknown tab dialog page"); 
+				// If they clicked on the help button
+				if (Msg->GadgetID == wxID_HELP)
+					OnHelpButtonClicked();
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+	else
+		ERROR3("Message from unknown tab dialog page"); 
 	if (EndDialog)	// Dialog communication over 
@@ -1320,13 +1327,12 @@
 		// tell the preview dialog to shut down			
 		if (m_DialogWnd != NULL)
-			BROADCAST_TO_CLASS( DialogMsg(m_DialogWnd, Msg->DlgMsg, 0, NULL, 0), DialogOp );
+			BROADCAST_TO_CLASS( DialogMsg(m_DialogWnd, Msg->DlgMsg, 0, 0, 0), DialogOp );
 		m_DialogWnd = NULL;
 		End(); 	 	// End of dialog 
 	return DLG_EAT_IF_HUNGRY(Msg);   // I return EAT_MSG unless the message needs to be sent to all dialogs 
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/exjpeg.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/exjpeg.cpp	(revision 917)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/exjpeg.cpp	(revision 918)
@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@
-		ERROR3("Unable to find OPTOKEN_BMAPPREVDLG");
+		ERROR3("Unable to find OPTOKEN_GIFTABDLG");
 /*	if (Ok)
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/main2.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/main2.cpp	(revision 917)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/main2.cpp	(revision 918)
@@ -316,9 +316,7 @@
 			SGInit::Init() &&					// Init/Register all the supergallery related Ops
 #endif //EXCLUDE_GALS
 			BmapPrevDlg::Init() &&				// Bitmap Preview Dialog Box - Dbug Builds for the moment [MartinD]
 // Moved this here from inside ColourSGallery::Init
 			OpBackground::Init() &&
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/impexpop.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/impexpop.cpp	(revision 917)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/impexpop.cpp	(revision 918)
@@ -1167,8 +1167,8 @@
 			// set up with default attrib for this filter
 			// and get the user to edit these default params in the export dlg (thats the FALSE param)
 PORTNOTE("other", "Use SetUpExportOptions to get defaults only and not do dialog" )
-//			((BaseBitmapFilter*) pFilter)->SetUpExportOptions(&pOptions, FALSE);
-			((BaseBitmapFilter*) pFilter)->SetUpExportOptions(&pOptions, TRUE);
+			((BaseBitmapFilter*) pFilter)->SetUpExportOptions(&pOptions, FALSE);
+//			((BaseBitmapFilter*) pFilter)->SetUpExportOptions(&pOptions, TRUE);
 			// the dlg has been up and the user may have the graphic type
 			// ask the dlg for the type that it used
 			if (BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions)
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.h	(revision 917)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.h	(revision 918)
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
 class OurPropSheet;
-class OurPropShtPage;
+typedef wxNotebookPage OurPropShtPage;
 class DialogBarOp;
 class DialogManager: public CCObject  
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
 	// Creates a DialogBarOp
 	static BOOL CreateBar(DialogBarOp* DlgOp);
-	static BOOL CreateTabbedDialog(DialogTabOp* pTabDlgOp, CDlgMode Mode, INT32 OpeningPage);
+	static wxWindow* CreateTabbedDialog(DialogTabOp* pTabDlgOp, CDlgMode Mode, INT32 OpeningPage);
 	// Post create gets called after a dialog window has been created.
@@ -763,6 +763,7 @@
 	// created. See the Create method for a description of why we need this. 
 	static List DlgTagOpToPropShtList; 
+	static OurPropSheet* GetPropertySheetFromOp( DialogTabOp* pDialogTabOp );
 	static BOOL HandleScrollBarMsg(wxWindow *pScrollWnd, 
 											      UINT32 wParam, 
@@ -917,22 +918,28 @@
-PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed OurPropSheet")
-class OurPropSheet : public CPropertySheet
+class OurPropSheet : public wxPropertySheetDialog
-	OurPropSheet(String_256* pName, UINT32 SelPage);
+	OurPropSheet( wxWindow* pParentWnd, String_256* pName, UINT32 SelPage );
-	BOOL IsModal(void) { return !m_bModeless; };
+//	BOOL IsModal(void) { return !m_bModeless; };
 	// This very useful function is protected within the MFC base class, so we redefine it
 	// here as public, and make it return a pointer to one of our Camelot pages.
 	OurPropShtPage* GetActivePage() const
-		{ return (OurPropShtPage*) CPropertySheet::GetActivePage(); }
+		{ return (OurPropShtPage*)GetBookCtrl()->GetCurrentPage(); }
+	std::set<wxWindow*>	m_setCreateSent;
+	void OnSetActive( wxNotebookEvent& event );
+PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed Windows callbacks")
 	// Message handlers
 	afx_msg INT32  OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
@@ -951,11 +958,14 @@
 	// The WindowProc chanels suitable messages to the DialogManager
 	LRESULT WindowProc(UINT32 Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); 
 	friend class DialogManager;
+PORTNOTE("dialog","Don't need \ can't use OurPropShtPage, removed")
 >	class OurPropShtPage: public CPropertyPage
@@ -967,19 +977,17 @@
-PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed OurPropShtPage")
-class OurPropShtPage: public CPropertyPage
+class OurPropShtPage: public wxNotebookPage
 	friend class DialogManager;
 	// Construction
 	OurPropShtPage(CDlgResID DialogResID);
-	CDlgResID GetPageID() { return PageID; }
+	CDlgResID GetPageID() { return m_PageID; }
 	// The WindowProc chanels suitable messages to the DialogManager
@@ -988,8 +996,8 @@
 	BOOL OnSetActive();
 	BOOL OnKillActive(); 
-	CDlgResID PageID; // We store the resource id used to create the page
-	BOOL CreateMessageSent; // Becomes TRUE after a Create message is sent for the page.
+	CDlgResID		m_PageID;				// We store the resource id used to create the page
+	BOOL			m_CreateMessageSent;	// Becomes TRUE after a Create message is sent for the page.
 	enum EnabledState { ENABLED, DISABLED, UNKNOWN };
@@ -1008,14 +1016,11 @@
-PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed DlgTagOpToPropShtItem")
 class DlgTagOpToPropShtItem: public ListItem
 		DialogTabOp* pDialogTabOp; 
 		OurPropSheet* pPropertySheet;
 #endif		// !INC_DLGMGR
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/bmapprev.xrc
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/bmapprev.xrc	(revision 917)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xrc/EN/bmapprev.xrc	(revision 918)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 			 <pos>228,39d</pos> <size>99,8d</size>
 			<label>Minimise visible anti-aliasing</label>
-		<title>Bitmap Size</title>
+		<tooltip>Bitmap Size</tooltip>
 	<object class="wxPanel" name="IDD_TIMAPOPTIONS">
 			 <pos>0,0d</pos> <size>370,90d</size>
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 			 <pos>81,72d</pos> <size>98,8d</size>
 			<label>Current drawing must be saved</label>
-		<title>Image Map</title>
+		<tooltip>Image Map</tooltip>
 	<object class="wxPanel" name="IDD_TBROWSER">
 			 <pos>0,0d</pos> <size>370,90d</size>
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
 			 <pos>240,30d</pos> <size>112,10d</size>
 			<label>Show all previews in browser</label>
-		<title>Browser Preview</title>
+		<tooltip>Browser Preview</tooltip>
 	<object class="wxPanel" name="IDD_TBITMAPOPTIONS">
 			 <pos>0,0d</pos> <size>370,90d</size>
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
 			 <pos>6,34d</pos> <size>178,10d</size>
-		<title>Options</title>
+		<tooltip>Options</tooltip>
 	<object class="wxPanel" name="IDD_PALETTE_TAB">
 			 <pos>0,0d</pos> <size>370,90d</size>
@@ -322,6 +322,6 @@
 		<object class="wxComboBox" name="IDC_T2_SORT_LIST">
 			 <pos>296,71d</pos> <size>68,-1d</size>
-		<title>Palette Options</title>
+		<tooltip>Palette Options</tooltip>
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp	(revision 917)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp	(revision 918)
@@ -150,11 +150,7 @@
 CC_IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CGadgetImageList, CCObject);
-PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed OurPropSheet")
-IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(OurPropSheet, CPropertySheet)
-IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(OurPropShtPage, CPropertyPage)
+IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(OurPropSheet, wxNotebookPage);
 // Place all statics here please, ordered by class
@@ -276,23 +272,29 @@
 //	ERROR2IF( DlgOp->IS_KIND_OF(DialogBarOp), FALSE, _T("Bar creation not yet supported"));
-	ERROR2IF( DlgOp->IS_KIND_OF(DialogTabOp), FALSE, _T("Tabbed dialogs not yet supported"));
+//	ERROR2IF( DlgOp->IS_KIND_OF(DialogTabOp), FALSE, _T("Tabbed dialogs not yet supported"));
 	ERROR2IF( SubDlgID !=0, FALSE, _T("Merging of dialogs not yet supported"));
     // if no parent dialog window specified use the main frame window
 	if ((ParentWnd == NULL) || wxAUImanaged)
 		ParentWnd = GetMainFrame();
-	const TCHAR * pDialogName=CamResource::GetObjectNameFail(MainDlgID);
+	const TCHAR*	pDialogName = NULL;
+	wxWindow*		pDialogWnd = NULL;
-	wxWindow * pDialogWnd = NULL;
-	if (wxAUImanaged)
-		pDialogWnd = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadPanel((wxWindow *)ParentWnd, pDialogName);
+	if( DlgOp->IS_KIND_OF(DialogTabOp) )
+		pDialogWnd = CreateTabbedDialog( (DialogTabOp*)DlgOp, Mode, OpeningPage );
-		pDialogWnd = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog((wxWindow *)ParentWnd, pDialogName);
+	{
+		pDialogName=CamResource::GetObjectNameFail(MainDlgID);
+		if (wxAUImanaged)
+			pDialogWnd = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadPanel((wxWindow *)ParentWnd, pDialogName);
+		else
+			pDialogWnd = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog((wxWindow *)ParentWnd, pDialogName);
+	}
@@ -321,7 +323,10 @@
 	// we call this directly now
 	BOOL ok = PostCreate(DlgOp);
-	if (ok && (Mode == MODAL) && pDialogWnd->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxDialog)))
+	if( ok && 
+		Mode == MODAL && 
+		( pDialogWnd->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO(wxDialog) ) ||
+		  DlgOp->IS_KIND_OF(DialogTabOp) ) )
 		((wxDialog *) pDialogWnd)->ShowModal();
@@ -437,6 +442,16 @@
 	INT32	DialogWidth  = DialogRect.GetWidth();
 	INT32	DialogHeight = DialogRect.GetHeight();
+	OurPropSheet*	pPropSheet = NULL;
+	{
+		DlgTagOpToPropShtItem*	pItem = (DlgTagOpToPropShtItem*)DlgTagOpToPropShtList.GetHead();
+		if( NULL != pItem &&
+			pDialogOp->IS_KIND_OF(DialogTabOp) )
+		{
+			pPropSheet = pItem->pPropertySheet;
+		}
+	}
 	// Create the WindowIDItem which will be stored in the DialogPosition.
 	CWindowIDItem *pWinID = new CWindowIDItem;
 	if( NULL == pWinID )
@@ -482,24 +497,18 @@
 		if (pDialogOp->IS_KIND_OF(DialogTabOp))
-PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed DialogTabOp usage")
 			// Record the active page.
+			ActivePage = ((wxNotebookPage*)pPropSheet->GetActivePage())->GetId();
-			ActivePage = ((OurPropShtPage*)pPropSheet->GetActivePage())->GetPageID();
 			if(pPropSheet != NULL)
 				OurPropShtPage *pPage = (OurPropShtPage *)pPropSheet->GetActivePage();
 				if(pPage != NULL)
-					ActivePage = ((OurPropShtPage*)pPropSheet->GetActivePage())->GetPageID();
+					ActivePage = ((wxNotebookPage*)pPropSheet->GetActivePage())->GetId();
 			DlgPos->ActivePage = ActivePage;
 			DlgPos->ActivePageIndex = 0;	 // 0 is always the first page
-			ActivePage = 0;
 		// Add the position record to the DialogPositionList
@@ -519,30 +528,29 @@
 		FontFactory::ApplyFontToWindow( DialogWnd, STOCKFONT_DIALOG ); */
-PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed DialogTabOp usage")
 	// BROADCAST a create message to the active page
 	if (pDialogOp->IS_KIND_OF(DialogTabOp))
+PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed what looks like some MFC quirkyness")
 		// MarkH 28/6/99 - New check to Set the ActivePage to the ActiveIndex!
 		// All related to the proplems with upgrading the MFC with VC6!
 		if(pPropSheet != NULL)
-		{
-			(OurPropShtPage*)pPropSheet->SetActivePage(pPropSheet->GetActiveIndex());
-		}
-		BROADCAST_TO_CLASS(DialogMsg(DialogManager::dlgop->WindowID, DIM_CREATE, NULL, 0, ActivePage) ,DialogOp);
-	}
+			(OurPropShtPage*)pPropSheet->GetBookCtrl()->SetActivePage(pPropSheet->GetActiveIndex());
+		BROADCAST_TO_CLASS(DialogMsg(pDialogOp->WindowID, DIM_CREATE, 0, 0, ActivePage) ,DialogOp);
+	}
 	// Inform the Dialog that it has been created so that it can be initialised
 	// Note that for DialogTabOp's seperate Create messages are sent for each page
 	// from the OurPropShtPage OnCreate handler.
 	// Alex moved this inside the if statement
 	BROADCAST_TO_CLASS( DialogMsg( pDialogOp->WindowID, DIM_CREATE, 0 ) ,DialogOp );
-PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed DialogTabOp usage")
-	if ((DialogManager::dlgop->IS_KIND_OF(DialogTabOp)) && pPropSheet && (pPropSheet->GetActivePage()))
+	if( pDialogOp->IS_KIND_OF(DialogTabOp) && 
+		NULL != pPropSheet && 
+		pPropSheet->GetActivePage() )
 		// MarkH 28/6/99 - New bit to get the active page working in tab boxes!
 		// All related to the proplems with upgrading the MFC with VC6!
@@ -551,13 +559,12 @@
 			OurPropShtPage *pPage = (OurPropShtPage *)pPropSheet->GetActivePage();
 			if(pPage != NULL)
-				ActivePage = ((OurPropShtPage*)pPropSheet->GetActivePage())->GetPageID();
+				ActivePage = ((wxNotebookPage*)pPropSheet->GetActivePage())->GetId();
-		BROADCAST_TO_CLASS(DialogMsg(DialogManager::dlgop->WindowID, DIM_SET_ACTIVE, NULL, 0, ActivePage) ,DialogOp);
+		BROADCAST_TO_CLASS( DialogMsg( pDialogOp->WindowID, DIM_SET_ACTIVE, 0, 0, ActivePage ), DialogOp );
 	// If the dialog which has just been created is modal then disable all other
 	// dialogs.
@@ -4286,13 +4293,13 @@
 			sels[0]=((wxControlWithItems *)pGadget)->GetSelection();
-		INT32 Count = sels.GetCount();
+		size_t Count = sels.GetCount();
 		pList = new INT32[Count+1];
 		if (pList)
-			INT32 i;
+			UINT32 i;
 			for (i=0; i<Count; i++)
@@ -6157,6 +6164,35 @@
+>	OurPropSheet* DialogManager::GetPropertySheetFromOp( DialogTabOp* pDialogTabOp )
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (xara group ltd) <lukeh@xxxxxxxx>
+	created:	28/04/06
+	inputs:		pdialogtabop: the operation we wish to find the property sheet for
+	outputs:	-
+	returns:	The associated Property sheet (or NULL if none)
+	purpose:	Find the property sheet associated with the passed DialogTabOp
+	errors:		-
+	seealso:	-
+OurPropSheet* DialogManager::GetPropertySheetFromOp( DialogTabOp* pDialogTabOp )
+	DlgTagOpToPropShtItem* pTabItem = (DlgTagOpToPropShtItem*)(DlgTagOpToPropShtList.GetHead());
+	while (pTabItem != NULL)
+	{
+		if (pTabItem->pDialogTabOp == pDialogTabOp)
+			return pTabItem->pPropertySheet;
+		pTabItem = (DlgTagOpToPropShtItem*)(DlgTagOpToPropShtList.GetNext(pTabItem));
+	}
+	return NULL;
 >	BOOL DialogManager::AddAPage(DialogTabOp* pDialogTabOp, CDlgResID DialogResID)
 	Author:		Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
@@ -6175,41 +6211,47 @@
 BOOL DialogManager::AddAPage(DialogTabOp* pDialogTabOp, CDlgResID DialogResID)
-	PORTNOTETRACE("dialog","DialogManager::AddAPage - do nothing");
+	// Try to add the page to the property sheet associated with the DialogTabOp
+	// let's try and find it
+	OurPropSheet* pPropSheet = GetPropertySheetFromOp( pDialogTabOp );
+	ERROR2IF( NULL == pPropSheet, FALSE, _T("Couldn't find DialogTabOp") );
+	wxBookCtrlBase*	pNoteBook = pPropSheet->GetBookCtrl();
 	// We need to create a page object
 	// Because OurPropShtPage is derived from an MFC object we have to cope with exceptions
-	OurPropShtPage* pNewPage;
+	wxWindow* pNewPage;
-		pNewPage = new OurPropShtPage(DialogResID);
+		const TCHAR* pDialogName=CamResource::GetObjectNameFail( DialogResID );
+		TRACEUSER( "jlh92", _T("Cre tab %s
"), pDialogName );
+		pNewPage = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadPanel( pNoteBook, pDialogName );
+		pNewPage->SetId( DialogResID );
+		CamArtProvider::Get()->EnsureChildBitmapsLoaded( pNewPage );
 	catch( CMemoryException )
 	// Just to  be safe
-	// Try to add the page to the property sheet associated with the DialogTabOp
-	// let's try and find it
-	DlgTagOpToPropShtItem* pTabItem = (DlgTagOpToPropShtItem*)(DlgTagOpToPropShtList.GetHead());
-	while (pTabItem != NULL)
+	wxString Title = pNewPage->GetTitle();
+	if (Title.IsEmpty()) Title = pNewPage->GetLabel(); // because wxPanel doesn't seem to support a title
+	if (Title.IsEmpty())
-		if (pTabItem->pDialogTabOp == pDialogTabOp)
-		{
-			ERROR2IF(pTabItem->pPropertySheet == NULL, FALSE, "No property sheet associated with DialogTabOp");
-			// We have found the property sheet so let's add the page we have just created to it
-			pTabItem->pPropertySheet->AddPage(pNewPage);
-			return TRUE;
-		}
-		pTabItem = (DlgTagOpToPropShtItem*)(DlgTagOpToPropShtList.GetNext(pTabItem));
+		// Finally, in desperation, we (mis-)use the tooltip string because now the wx folks have removed
+		// the label, even though it's needed for accessibility. Aarrghh
+		wxToolTip* pTip = pNewPage->GetToolTip();
+		if (pTip) Title=pTip->GetTip();
-	delete pNewPage;
-	ERROR2(FALSE, "Could not find property sheet associated with DialogTabOp");
-	return false;
+	pNoteBook->AddPage( pNewPage, Title );
+	return true;
@@ -6234,9 +6276,7 @@
 CWindowID DialogManager::GetPageWindow(CWindowID Win, CDlgResID PageID, INT32* PageIndex)
-	PORTNOTE("dialog","DialogManager::GetPageWindow - do nothing")
-	if (PageID == NULL)
+	if (PageID == 0)
 		return Win; // A page is not required
@@ -6245,27 +6285,27 @@
 	ERROR3IF( pCWnd == NULL, "This is not a property sheet, the PageID should be NULL" );
 	// Ok so Win must be a property sheet, let's make sure
-	ERROR3IF(!(pCWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(OurPropSheet))), "Don't know what this window is");
+	ERROR3IF( !pCWnd->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO(OurPropSheet) ), "Don't know what this window is" );
 	OurPropSheet* pPropertySheet = (OurPropSheet*)pCWnd;
-	OurPropShtPage* pCurrentPage;
+	wxNotebookPage* pCurrentPage;
 	// Find the window ID of the page
-	for (INT32 i = 0; i < pPropertySheet->GetPageCount(); i++)
+	wxBookCtrlBase*	pBookCtrl = pPropertySheet->GetBookCtrl();
+	for (UINT32 i = 0; i < pBookCtrl->GetPageCount(); i++)
-		pCurrentPage = 	(OurPropShtPage*)(pPropertySheet->GetPage(i));
-		if (pCurrentPage->GetPageID() == PageID)
+		pCurrentPage = 	(wxNotebookPage*)(pBookCtrl->GetPage(i));
+		if (pCurrentPage->GetId() == INT32(PageID) )
 			if (PageIndex != NULL)
 				*PageIndex = i;
 			// Found page so return window id
-			return pCurrentPage->GetSafeHwnd();
+			return pCurrentPage;
 	ERROR3("The page specified does not exist on this tabbed dialog");
 	return Win; // Probably safer than NULL
@@ -6667,20 +6707,16 @@
 CDlgResID DialogManager::GetActivePage()
-	PORTNOTETRACE("dialog","DialogManager::GetActivePage - do nothing");
 	// first check to see if we have a property sheet object
-	if (pPropSheet == NULL)
-		return -1;
+	DlgTagOpToPropShtItem* pTabItem = (DlgTagOpToPropShtItem*)DlgTagOpToPropShtList.GetHead();
+	if (pTabItem->pPropertySheet == NULL)
+		return CDlgResID(-1);
-	OurPropShtPage* pOurPage = pPropSheet->GetActivePage();
+	OurPropShtPage* pOurPage = pTabItem->pPropertySheet->GetActivePage();
 	if (pOurPage == NULL)
-		return -1;
+		return CDlgResID(-1);
-	return pOurPage->GetPageID();
-	return (CDlgResID)(-1);
+	return pOurPage->GetId();
@@ -6700,15 +6736,16 @@
 void DialogManager::SetPropertyPageModified(BOOL Modified)
-	PORTNOTETRACE("dialog","DialogManager::SetPropertyPageModified - do nothing");
+	DlgTagOpToPropShtItem* pTabItem = (DlgTagOpToPropShtItem*)DlgTagOpToPropShtList.GetHead();
+	if (pTabItem->pPropertySheet != NULL)
+	{
+PORTNOTE( "dialog", "Removed RegisterWindowMessage usage" )
-	if (pPropSheet != NULL)
-	{
-		CPropertyPage* pActivePage = pPropSheet->GetActivePage();
+		wxNotebookPage* pActivePage = pTabItem->pPropertySheet->GetActivePage();
 		if (pActivePage != NULL)
@@ -7370,10 +7407,8 @@
-BOOL DialogManager::CreateTabbedDialog(DialogTabOp* pTabDlgOp, CDlgMode Mode, INT32 OpeningPage)
+wxWindow* DialogManager::CreateTabbedDialog(DialogTabOp* pTabDlgOp, CDlgMode Mode, INT32 OpeningPage)
-	PORTNOTETRACE("dialog","DialogManager::CreateTabbedDialog - do nothing");
 	// First check if the OpeningPage parameter is not equal to -1, in which case this
 	// specifies the active page to be opened.
 	// Has to be an index as otherwise we have not specified the pages yet and so cannot
@@ -7387,6 +7422,8 @@
+PORTNOTE( "dialog", "Remove mainDlgID usage" );
 		// Determine if this dialog has been created before
 		DialogPosition* pPosDetails = FindDialogPositionRecord(DialogManager::mainDlgID);
 		if (pPosDetails != NULL)
@@ -7394,6 +7431,7 @@
 			// The dialog has been created before so find out the index of the active page
 			ActivePageIndex = pPosDetails->ActivePageIndex;
 	// ok first try and create the property sheet
@@ -7401,18 +7439,17 @@
 	// Because OurPropSheet is derived from an MFC object we have to cope with exceptions
-		pPropertySheet = new OurPropSheet(pTabDlgOp->GetName(), ActivePageIndex);
+		pPropertySheet = new OurPropSheet( GetMainFrame(), pTabDlgOp->GetName(), ActivePageIndex );
+//		pPropertySheet->Create(WS_POPUP | WS_SYSMENU | WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME, 0)
 	catch( CMemoryException )
 	// Just to  be safe
-	pPropSheet = pPropertySheet;
 	// We need to store a mapping from the property sheet that we have just created
 	// to the DialogTabOp that it is associated with.We can't use a Cwnd to find the
 	// property sheet cos we ain't got one yet !
@@ -7432,6 +7469,8 @@
 	// Now add the Item to the 	DlgTagOpToPropShtList
+	pPropertySheet->CreateButtons( wxOK|wxCANCEL|wxHELP );
 	// Before we can create the property sheet we must add pages to it.
 	// Let's ask the op do do this for us
 	if (!(pTabDlgOp->RegisterYourPagesInOrderPlease()))
@@ -7443,10 +7482,15 @@
 		return FALSE;
+	// Get the dialog sized to fit
+	pPropertySheet->LayoutDialog();
 	// Now that the pages have been registered, check if the dialog has been opened
 	// before. If so force the new ActivePage to be specified rather than the old.
 	if (OpeningPage != -1)
+PORTNOTE( "dialog", "Remove mainDlgID usage" );
 		// Determine if this dialog has been created before
 		DialogPosition* pPosDetails = FindDialogPositionRecord(DialogManager::mainDlgID);
 		if (pPosDetails != NULL)
@@ -7464,30 +7508,10 @@
 				pPosDetails->ActivePageIndex = OpeningPage;
 //			}
-	if (Mode == MODELESS)
-	{
-		// Let's create a Modeless property sheet
-		if (pPropertySheet->Create(GetMainFrame(), WS_POPUP | WS_SYSMENU | WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME, 0))
-		{
-			return (PostCreate(pPropertySheet->GetSafeHwnd()));
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		ERROR2IF(Mode != MODAL, FALSE, "Unknown dialog mode");
-		// Create a Modal property sheet, note that PostCreate get's called from the Property
-		// sheet's Create method. If a call to PostCreate fails then FALSE is returned from DoModal
-		// WM_INIT_DIALOG message
-		BOOL ok = pPropertySheet->DoModal();
-		// We could not delete the modal property sheet in the Delete method as we are in
-		// the middle of the DoModal function at this point. So we must do it here.
-		delete pPropertySheet;
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	return FALSE;
+	return pPropertySheet;
@@ -8939,10 +8963,9 @@
 	wxWindow* pGadget = GetGadget(wnd, Gadget);
 	if (!pGadget) return 0;
-	if ( pGadget->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxTreeCtrl))
-		)
+	if( pGadget->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO(wxTreeCtrl) ) )
-		return ((wxTreeCtrl*)pGadget)->GetChildrenCount(hItem, FALSE != bRecursive);
+		return UINT32( ((wxTreeCtrl*)pGadget)->GetChildrenCount( hItem, FALSE != bRecursive ) );
 	ERROR3("SetTreeGadgetItem called on non-tree gadget");
@@ -9023,5 +9046,184 @@
+// OurPropSheet methods
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( OurPropSheet, wxPropertySheetDialog )
+	EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED( wxID_ANY, OurPropSheet::OnSetActive )
+>	OurPropSheet::OurPropSheet(String_256* pName)
+	Author:		Simon
+	Created:	16/11/94
+	Inputs:		pName: The name to be displayed in the dialog's title bar				
+	Purpose:	Constructs a property sheet
+OurPropSheet::OurPropSheet( wxWindow* pParentWnd, String_256* pName, UINT32 SelPage )
+	: wxPropertySheetDialog( pParentWnd, wxID_ANY, (TCHAR*)*pName )	// The main frame is the owner of the sheet
+>	OurPropSheet::~OurPropSheet()
+	Author:		Simon
+	Created:	28/11/94
+	Purpose:	OurPropertySheet destructor, destroys the property sheet and all pages 
+				that it contains
+>	void OurPropSheet::OnClose()
+	Author:		Neville
+	Created:	23/12/94
+	Inputs:		-
+	Outputs:	-
+	Returns:	-
+	Purpose:	We override the OnClose method for our property sheet because the base class
+				OnClose method will kill the dialog box without telling us, if we are Modal.
+				Therefore, the dialog has no chance to clean itself up and will instead be
+				set a DIM_CANCEL when the application is closed!
+	Errors:		-
+	SeeAlso:	-
+	Note:		This was true when using the VC2 XARAPROP.h/cpp class. Using the VC4 version
+				means that in the modeless case when the user clicks on the close icon on a 
+				tabbed dialog box, this function gets called. In the modal case, this function
+				never seems to get called. We are then left with the op etc. still live.
+				CPropertySheet::DoModal calls DestroyWindow() which should be virtual.
+				This also sends a WM_DESTROY message. So, we will take advantage of this and
+				trap the call, clean our op up and then call the baseclass version.
+PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed Windows callback - OurPropSheet::OnClose")
+void OurPropSheet::OnClose()
+	// Inform the Dialog that the close icon has been clicked so that it can be be shut
+	// down properly
+	// Check if the Cancel button is present and disabled i.e. greyed. If it is then ignore
+	// the message. Do this becuase we might have greyed the cancel button to say that this
+	// is a bad move at this point in time and we do not want the close button coming along
+	// and doing the cancel action when it shoudn't.
+   	HWND hGadget = ::GetDlgItem(GetSafeHwnd(), IDCANCEL);	// Obtain gadgets window
+	ERROR3IF(hGadget == NULL, "Could not find Cancel button control on tabbed dialog"); 
+	BOOL ok = TRUE;
+	// Only check if control is present
+	if (hGadget)
+		ok = ::IsWindowEnabled(hGadget);					// Get current button state
+	// Use NULL as the page id so that the main dialog box gets the message.
+	if (ok)
+		BROADCAST_TO_CLASS(DialogMsg(GetSafeHwnd(), DIM_CANCEL, NULL, 0, NULL), DialogOp);
+	else
+		Beep();		// Warn the user that this is a bad time to do this	
+	// Could call the main property sheet close method to get it to do its stuff but
+	// hopefully by now the DIM_CANCEL should have done everything that we were
+	// interested in.
+	//CPropertySheet::OnClose();
+>	virtual BOOL OurPropSheet::DestroyWindow()
+	Author:		Neville Humphrys
+	Created:	24/7/97
+	Purpose:	We override the DestroyWindow method for our property sheet because the base class
+				DestroyWindow method will kill the dialog box without telling us, if we are Modal.
+				Therefore, the dialog has no chance to clean itself up and will instead be
+				set a DIM_CANCEL when the application is closed!
+	SeeAlso:	OurPropSheet::OnClose(); CPropertySheet::OnClose();
+PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed Windows callback - OurPropSheet::DestroyWindow")
+BOOL OurPropSheet::DestroyWindow()
+	// Tell the system that this is a modal close which we wont have been told about
+	// If we do this then we get a no active page error 3. Use the OnSysCommand trap instead.
+//	if (IsModal())
+//		BROADCAST_TO_CLASS(DialogMsg(GetSafeHwnd(), DIM_CANCEL, NULL, 0, NULL), DialogOp);
+	return CPropertySheet::DestroyWindow();
+>	void OurPropSheet::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lparam)
+	Author:		Neville Humphrys
+	Created:	24/7/97
+	Purpose:	We override the OnSysCommand method for our property sheet because the base class
+				OnClose method will kill the dialog box without telling us, if we are Modal.
+				Therefore, the dialog has no chance to clean itself up and will instead be
+				set a DIM_CANCEL when the application is closed!
+	SeeAlso:	OurPropSheet::DestroyWindow(); OurPropSheet::OnClose(); CPropertySheet::OnClose();
+PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed Windows callback - OurPropSheet::OnSysCommand")
+void OurPropSheet::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lparam)
+	// check for clicks on the close icon
+	switch (nID & 0xFFF0)
+	{
+		case SC_CLOSE:
+		{
+			// The baseclass does this
+			/* if (m_bModeless)
+			{
+				SendMessage(WM_CLOSE);
+				return;
+			} */
+			// So we will do this
+			if (!m_bModeless)
+			{
+				BROADCAST_TO_CLASS(DialogMsg(GetSafeHwnd(), DIM_CANCEL, NULL, 0, NULL), DialogOp);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// The baseclass calls this, we have no need as we will call the baseclass
+	// Default();
+	// Always call the baseclass
+	CPropertySheet::OnSysCommand(nID, lparam); 
+void OurPropSheet::OnSetActive( wxNotebookEvent& event )
+	wxWindow*	pPage = GetBookCtrl()->GetPage( event.GetSelection() );
+	if( m_setCreateSent.end() == m_setCreateSent.find( pPage ) )
+	{
+		BROADCAST_TO_CLASS( DialogMsg( this, DIM_CREATE, 0, 0, pPage->GetId() ), DialogOp );
+		m_setCreateSent.insert( pPage );
+	}
+	BROADCAST_TO_CLASS( DialogMsg( this, DIM_SET_ACTIVE, 0, 0, pPage->GetId() ), DialogOp );
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/stdwx.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/stdwx.h	(revision 917)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/stdwx.h	(revision 918)
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@
 #include <wx/treectrl.h>
 #include <wx/wxchar.h>
 #include <wx/wxprec.h>
+#include <wx/propdlg.h>
 #include <wx/xrc/xh_all.h>
 #include <wx/xrc/xmlres.h>
@@ -148,6 +149,7 @@
 #include <map>
 #include <list>
 #include <vector>
+#include <set>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <new>
