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[XaraXtreme-commits] Commit Complete
Commit by : gerry
Repository : xara
Revision : 1006
Date : Thu May 11 16:20:37 BST 2006
Changed paths:
M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/camfiltr.cpp
M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/xpfilter.cpp
M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xpoilflt.cpp
M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xpoilflt.h
Mostly working plugin filter mechanism
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/xpfilter.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/xpfilter.cpp (revision 1005)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/xpfilter.cpp (revision 1006)
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
#include "nodedoc.h"
#include "progress.h"
+#include "camprocess.h"
// An implement to match the Declare in the .h file.
CC_IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(PluginNativeFilter, CamelotNativeFilter);
@@ -240,10 +242,30 @@
PluginOILFilter* pPluginOILFilter = (PluginOILFilter*)pOILFilter;
// Temporarily removed to stop file loading problems
// HowCompatible = pPluginOILFilter->HowCompatible(Filename);
+ // Look at the source for wxExecute
+ // Try using CamProcess instead
+ // Perhaps the redirection will stop the strangeness
+ wxString sCommand(_T("echo 1"));
+ TRACE(_T("Running '%s'"), sCommand.c_str());
+ CamProcess TheProc(NULL, NULL);
+ int code = TheProc.Execute(sCommand);
+ if (code != 0)
+ {
+ TRACE(_T("Execution of '%s' failed."), sCommand.c_str());
+ // Extract error from a derived CamProcess class and report it
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
// Return the found value to the caller.
- TRACEUSER( "GerryX", _T("PluginNativeFilter::HowCompatible returning = %d
"), HowCompatible);
+ TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("PluginNativeFilter::HowCompatible returning = %d
"), HowCompatible);
return HowCompatible;
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/camfiltr.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/camfiltr.cpp (revision 1005)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/camfiltr.cpp (revision 1006)
@@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@
-TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("BaseCamelotFilter::HowCompatible returning = %d
+TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("BaseCamelotFilter::HowCompatible returning = %d
// Return the found value to the caller.
return HowCompatible;
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xpoilflt.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xpoilflt.cpp (revision 1005)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xpoilflt.cpp (revision 1006)
@@ -120,15 +120,6 @@
CC_IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(PathNameListItem, ListItem)
-PORTNOTE("other","PluginFilter COM bits removed")
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
-IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(PluginFilterCallback, CCmdTarget)
-BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP(PluginFilterCallback, CCmdTarget)
- INTERFACE_PART(PluginFilterCallback, __uuidof(IXPFCallback), _XPFCallback)
// This will get Camelot to display the filename and linenumber of any memory allocations
// that are not released at program exit
#define new CAM_DEBUG_NEW
@@ -213,491 +204,9 @@
-PORTNOTE("other","PluginFilter COM bits removed")
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
-> PluginFilterCallback::PluginFilterCallback(PluginNativeFilter* pFilter = NULL)
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 03/06/2005
- Purpose: Constructs a new PluginFilterCallback object.
-PluginFilterCallback::PluginFilterCallback(PluginNativeFilter* pFilter)
- m_pFilter = pFilter;
-> PluginFilterCallback::~PluginFilterCallback()
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 03/06/2005
- Purpose: Destructs a PluginFilterCallback object.
-> STDMETHODIMP PluginFilterCallback::X_XPEHost::QueryInterface()
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 03/06/2005
-STDMETHODIMP PluginFilterCallback::X_XPFCallback::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, LPVOID* ppvObj)
- METHOD_PROLOGUE(PluginFilterCallback, _XPFCallback)
- return pThis->ExternalQueryInterface(&iid, ppvObj);
-> STDMETHODIMP PluginFilterCallback::X_XPEHost::AddRef()
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 03/06/2005
-STDMETHODIMP_(UINT32) PluginFilterCallback::X_XPFCallback::AddRef()
- METHOD_PROLOGUE(PluginFilterCallback, _XPFCallback)
- return pThis->ExternalAddRef();
-> STDMETHODIMP PluginFilterCallback::X_XPEHost::Release()
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 03/06/2005
-STDMETHODIMP_(UINT32) PluginFilterCallback::X_XPFCallback::Release()
- METHOD_PROLOGUE(PluginFilterCallback, _XPFCallback)
- return pThis->ExternalRelease();
-> STDMETHODIMP PluginFilterCallback::X_XPEHost::EndEdit(INT32 EndEditFlags)
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 03/06/2005
-STDMETHODIMP PluginFilterCallback::X_XPFCallback::Progress(INT32 lProgress)
- METHOD_PROLOGUE(PluginFilterCallback, _XPFCallback)
- TRACE( _T("IXPFCallback::Progress(%d)
"), lProgress);
- if (pThis->m_pFilter && lProgress > 0)
- pThis->m_pFilter->SetProgressBarCount((UINT32)lProgress);
- return S_OK;
-> static BOOL PluginOILFilter::AutoRegisterFilters()
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 23/03/2005
- Returns: TRUE if ok, FALSE if bother
- Purpose: Registers any plugin filter objects that aren't registered
-BOOL PluginOILFilter::AutoRegisterFilters()
- // Build a list of the registered filters (dll leafnames)
- // Iterate through the component category adding each filter to the filter list
- HRESULT hRes = S_OK;
- CComPtr<ICatInformation> pCatInformer;
- hRes = pCatInformer.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- // Return an error here
- return(TRUE);
- }
- CComPtr<IEnumCLSID> pEnumCLSID;
- CATID Categories[4] = {
- {0x42F818E1, 0x9EF6, 0x4241, {0x90, 0x9B, 0x91, 0xE7, 0x83, 0xB9, 0xB9, 0x35}},
- {0x42F818E1, 0x9EF6, 0x4241, {0x90, 0x9B, 0x91, 0xE7, 0x83, 0xB9, 0xB9, 0x36}},
- {0x42F818E1, 0x9EF6, 0x4241, {0x90, 0x9B, 0x91, 0xE7, 0x83, 0xB9, 0xB9, 0x37}},
- {0x42F818E1, 0x9EF6, 0x4241, {0x90, 0x9B, 0x91, 0xE7, 0x83, 0xB9, 0xB9, 0x38}}
- };
- hRes = pCatInformer->EnumClassesOfCategories(4, Categories, (UINT32)-1, NULL, &pEnumCLSID);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- // Return an error here
- return(TRUE);
- }
- List FilterList;
- UINT32 NumRead = 1;
- CLSID Clsid;
- while (NumRead != 0)
- {
- NumRead = 0;
- hRes = pEnumCLSID->Next(1, &Clsid, &NumRead);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- break;
- if (NumRead > 0)
- {
- // Read the InProc32 regsitry entry for this Clsid
- // Generate the relevant registy key name
- TCHAR sKey[64];
- wsprintf(sKey, _T("CLSID\{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}\InProcServer32"),
- Clsid.Data1,
- Clsid.Data2,
- Clsid.Data3,
- Clsid.Data4[0],
- Clsid.Data4[1],
- Clsid.Data4[2],
- Clsid.Data4[3],
- Clsid.Data4[4],
- Clsid.Data4[5],
- Clsid.Data4[6],
- Clsid.Data4[7]);
- CRegKey rKey;
- {
- DWORD Size = 256;
- String_256 sServer;
- if (rKey.QueryValue(sServer, _T(""), &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- PathName Path(sServer);
- if (SGLibOil::FileExists(&Path))
- {
- PathNameListItem* pItem = new PathNameListItem(Path);
- if (pItem)
- {
- FilterList.AddTail(pItem);
-// RELTRACE(_T("Adding %s to list
"), (LPCTSTR)Path.GetPath());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Scan through the Filters folder and register any DLL whose leafname isn't in FilterList
- String_256 sPath;
- GetModuleFileName(NULL, sPath, 256);
- PathName ExePath(sPath);
- sPath = ExePath.GetLocation();
- sPath += _T("Filters\");
- String_256 sFindPath(sPath);
- sFindPath += _T("*.*");
- FindFiles Finder;
- BOOL bIsFolder = FALSE;
- if (Finder.StartFindingFiles(&sFindPath))
- {
- String_256 sLeafName;
- while (TRUE)
- {
- if (!Finder.FindNextFile(&sLeafName, &bIsFolder))
- break;
-// RELTRACE(_T("Testing %s
"), (TCHAR*)sLeafName);
- String_256 sFullPath(sPath);
- sFullPath += sLeafName;
- if (bIsFolder)
- {
- sFullPath += _T("\");
- sLeafName += _T(".dll");
- sFullPath += sLeafName;
- }
- // At this point sFullPath should point at the dll
- // Check it exists and is a DLL
- PathName TestPath(sFullPath);
- if (TestPath.GetType() == _T("dll") && SGLibOil::FileExists(&TestPath))
- {
-// RELTRACE(_T("FullPath %s
"), (TCHAR*)sFullPath);
- // If the full path of the DLL is in the installed list then
- // the correct version is already registered so do nothing.
- // If the leafname of the DLL is in the installed list then
- // register the one in the Filters folder if it is newer than
- // the one in the installed list (this will also trap the
- // currently installed one not really existing).
- // If the leafname is not in the installed list then register it.
- BOOL bRegister = TRUE;
- PathNameListItem* pItem = (PathNameListItem*)FilterList.GetHead();
- while (pItem)
- {
- if (sLeafName.CompareTo(pItem->m_Path.GetFileName(TRUE), FALSE) == 0)
- {
-// RELTRACE(_T("Leaf name is in list
- // Found the leafname in the list
- if (sFullPath.CompareTo(pItem->m_Path.GetPath(), FALSE) == 0)
- {
- // The full path is the same so do nothing
-// RELTRACE(_T("Full path is in list
- bRegister = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- // Get the version number of the installed version
- String_64 sVerInstalled;
- if (GetFileVersion(&(pItem->m_Path), &sVerInstalled))
- {
-// RELTRACE(_T("Current version is %s
"), (TCHAR*)sVerInstalled);
- // Get the version number of the Filters version
- String_64 sVerFilters;
- PathName FiltersPath(sFullPath);
- if (GetFileVersion(&FiltersPath, &sVerFilters))
- {
-// RELTRACE(_T("This version is %s
"), (TCHAR*)sVerFilters);
- // If the Installed version is greater than or equal
- // to the Filters version then don't register
- if (CompareVersions(sVerInstalled, sVerFilters) >= 0)
- {
-// RELTRACE(_T("Current is new enough
- bRegister = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- pItem = (PathNameListItem*)FilterList.GetNext(pItem);
- }
- if (bRegister)
- {
- // Register the DLL
- RELTRACE(_T("Registering %s
"), (TCHAR*)sFullPath);
- BOOL bRegOk = RegisterDLL(sFullPath);
- RELTRACE(_T("RegisterDLL returned %s
"), bRegOk ? _T("true") : _T("false"));
- }
- }
- }
- Finder.StopFindingFiles();
- }
- FilterList.DeleteAll();
- return(TRUE);
-> static BOOL PluginOILFilter::RegisterDLL(String_256& sPath)
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 23/03/2005
- Inputs: sPath -
- Returns: TRUE if ok, FALSE if bother
- Purpose:
-BOOL PluginOILFilter::RegisterDLL(String_256& sPath)
- // Pointer to reg server function
- INT32 (__stdcall *pDllRegisterServer)(void);
- // Other Vars
- INT32 hRegResult;
- // Load library into this process
- if (hThisCOM = LoadLibraryEx(sPath, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH))
- {
- // Get pointer to standard dll registry function
- pDllRegisterServer = GetProcAddress(hThisCOM, _T("DllRegisterServer"));
- if (!pDllRegisterServer)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Tell server to register itself
- hRegResult = pDllRegisterServer();
- if (FAILED(hRegResult))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- FreeLibrary(hThisCOM);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- return(FALSE);
-> BOOL PluginOILFilter::GetFileVersion(PathName* pPath, String_64* pVersion)
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 06/07/2005
- Inputs: pPath - pointer to a PathName
- pVersion - pointer to a String_64 to recieve the version string
- Returns: TRUE if ok, FALSE if version number couldn't be extracted
- Purpose: Gets the version number (as a string) from a file's version
- resource.
-BOOL PluginOILFilter::GetFileVersion(PathName* pPath, String_64* pVersion)
- BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
- *pVersion = _T("0, 0, 0, 0");
- if (SGLibOil::FileExists(pPath))
- {
- String_256 sFilename(pPath->GetPath());
- if (sFilename.Length() <= 126)
- {
- DWORD dwVerHnd = 0;
- DWORD VersionSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(sFilename, &dwVerHnd);
- // First get the size of the version info
- if (VersionSize > 0)
- {
- BYTE* pVersionInfo = new BYTE[VersionSize];
- // Now get the Version block from the dll!
- if (pVersionInfo && GetFileVersionInfo(sFilename, NULL, VersionSize, (void*)pVersionInfo))
- {
- {
- WORD wLanguage;
- WORD wCodePage;
- } *lpTranslate;
- UINT32 cbTranslate;
- // Read the list of languages and code pages.
- VerQueryValue(pVersionInfo,
- TEXT("\VarFileInfo\Translation"),
- (LPVOID*)&lpTranslate,
- &cbTranslate);
- UINT32 ValueLen;
- LPVOID pValue;
- TCHAR pValName[64];
- wsprintf(pValName, _T("\StringFileInfo\%04x%04x\FileVersion"), lpTranslate[0].wLanguage, lpTranslate[0].wCodePage);
- // Now get the value from the block
- if (VerQueryValue((void*)pVersionInfo, pValName, &pValue, &ValueLen))
- {
- *pVersion = (TCHAR*)pValue;
- bRetVal = TRUE;
- }
- delete [] pVersionInfo;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(bRetVal);
-> INT32 PluginOILFilter::CompareVersions(const String_64& lhs, const String_64& rhs)
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 06/07/2005
- Inputs: lhs - a version string
- rhs - another version string
- Returns: integer indicating the comparison of the versions in the
- standard C manner (-ve is lhs < rhs, 0 is lhs = rhs,
- +ve is lhs > rhs)
- Purpose: Compares two version strings
-INT32 PluginOILFilter::CompareVersions(const String_64& lhs, const String_64& rhs)
- INT32 la, lb, lc, ld;
- INT32 ra, rb, rc, rd;
- if (camSscanf(lhs, _T("%d, %d, %d, %d"), &la, &lb, &lc, &ld) != 4)
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (camSscanf(rhs, _T("%d, %d, %d, %d"), &ra, &rb, &rc, &rd) != 4)
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (la - ra)
- return(la - ra);
- if (lb - rb)
- return(lb - rb);
- if (lc - rc)
- return(lc - rc);
- return(ld - rd);
> PluginOILFilter::PluginOILFilter()
Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
@@ -732,114 +241,77 @@
BOOL PluginOILFilter::Init( xmlNode* pFilterNode )
-PORTNOTE("other","PluginFilter COM bits removed")
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
- // Remember the CLSID for later use
- // Generate the relevant registy key name
- TCHAR sClassKey[64];
- wsprintf(sClassKey, _T("CLSID\{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}"),
- m_CLSID.Data1,
- m_CLSID.Data2,
- m_CLSID.Data3,
- m_CLSID.Data4[0],
- m_CLSID.Data4[1],
- m_CLSID.Data4[2],
- m_CLSID.Data4[3],
- m_CLSID.Data4[4],
- m_CLSID.Data4[5],
- m_CLSID.Data4[6],
- m_CLSID.Data4[7]);
+ // This would look a lot neater using functions from xmlutils.h
- CRegKey rClassKey;
- if (rClassKey.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, sClassKey, KEY_READ) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return(FALSE);
+ m_InternalName = CXMLUtils::ConvertToWXString(xmlGetProp(pFilterNode, (xmlChar*)"name"));
- CRegKey rServerKey;
- if (rServerKey.Open(rClassKey, _T("InProcServer32"), KEY_READ) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return(FALSE);
+ xmlNodePtr pChild = pFilterNode->children;
+ // We will loop round until we run out of child elements
+ // If an element has already been parsed then an error should be indicated
- TCHAR ServerPath[_MAX_PATH];
- if (rServerKey.QueryValue(ServerPath, _T(""), &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return(FALSE);
- if (GetFileAttributes(ServerPath) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+ while (pChild)
- DWORD Err = GetLastError();
- RELTRACE(_T("Error accessing filter at %s (%d)
"), ServerPath, Err);
- return(FALSE);
+ wxString strChildName = CXMLUtils::ConvertToWXString(pChild->name);
+ if (strChildName == _T("#text") || xmlNodeIsText(pChild))
+ {
+ // ignore it
+ }
+ else if (strChildName == _T("DisplayName"))
+ {
+ xmlChar* pStr = xmlNodeListGetString(pChild->doc, pChild->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
+ wxString sTemp = CXMLUtils::ConvertToWXString(pStr);
+ FilterName = sTemp;
+ xmlFree(pStr);
+ }
+ else if (strChildName == _T("Extensions"))
+ {
+ xmlChar* pStr = xmlNodeListGetString(pChild->doc, pChild->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
+ wxString sTemp = CXMLUtils::ConvertToWXString(pStr);
+ FilterName = sTemp;
+ xmlFree(pStr);
+ }
+ else if (strChildName == _T("CanImport"))
+ {
+ xmlChar* pStr = xmlNodeListGetString(pChild->doc, pChild->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
+ m_CanImport = CXMLUtils::ConvertToWXString(pStr);
+ xmlFree(pStr);
+ }
+ else if (strChildName == _T("DoImport"))
+ {
+ xmlChar* pStr = xmlNodeListGetString(pChild->doc, pChild->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
+ m_DoImport = CXMLUtils::ConvertToWXString(pStr);
+ xmlFree(pStr);
+ }
+ else if (strChildName == _T("PrepareExport"))
+ {
+ xmlChar* pStr = xmlNodeListGetString(pChild->doc, pChild->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
+ m_PrepareExport = CXMLUtils::ConvertToWXString(pStr);
+ xmlFree(pStr);
+ }
+ else if (strChildName == _T("DoExport"))
+ {
+ xmlChar* pStr = xmlNodeListGetString(pChild->doc, pChild->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
+ m_DoExport = CXMLUtils::ConvertToWXString(pStr);
+ xmlFree(pStr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("Ignoring '%s' element"), strChildName.c_str());
+ }
+ pChild = pChild->next;
- CRegKey rConfigKey;
- if (rConfigKey.Open(rClassKey, _T("Config"), KEY_READ) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return(FALSE);
- m_FilterPath.SetPathName(_T("/home/gerry/src/XPFilter/debugu/XPFilter"));
// This should be set to some sensible path but I've hardcoded it for now
// We should change to making ~/.XaraLX into a directory and store the main config
// file and these filter config files in there
-// Size = 32;
-// TCHAR Exts[32];
-// if (rConfigKey.QueryValue(Exts, _T("Extensions"), &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-// return(FALSE);
+ m_bImport = !(m_DoImport.IsEmpty());
+ m_bExport = !(m_DoExport.IsEmpty());
- TCHAR Exts[32] = _T("*.xar");
- // We have to convert the plugin extension format into the XaraX format
- TCHAR* pTokTemp = NULL;
- TCHAR* pExt = camStrtok(Exts, _T(";"), &pTokTemp);
- BOOL NoneFound = TRUE;
- FilterExt = _T("");
- while (pExt != NULL)
- {
- if (pExt[0] == _T('*') && pExt[1] == _T('.'))
- {
- pExt += 2;
- if (camStrstr((TCHAR *)FilterExt, pExt) == NULL)
- {
- // Not already present - add the string.
- if (!NoneFound)
- // Don't add a comma if this is the first one we find.
- FilterExt += _T(",");
- FilterExt += pExt;
- NoneFound = FALSE;
- }
- }
- pExt = camStrtok(NULL, _T(";"), &pTokTemp);
- }
-// Size = 64;
-// TCHAR TypeName[64];
-// if (rConfigKey.QueryValue(TypeName, _T("TypeName"), &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-// return(FALSE);
-// FilterName = TypeName;
- FilterName = _T("Plugin Test");
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
- CRegKey rCatKey;
- if (rCatKey.Open(rClassKey, T("Implemented Categories"), KEY_READ) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return(FALSE);
- CRegKey rImpKey;
- m_bImport = (rImpKey.Open(rCatKey, _T("{42F818E1-9EF6-4241-909B-91E783B9B935}"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ||
- (rImpKey.Open(rCatKey, _T("{42F818E1-9EF6-4241-909B-91E783B9B937}"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS);
- CRegKey rExpKey;
- m_bExport = (rExpKey.Open(rCatKey, _T("{42F818E1-9EF6-4241-909B-91E783B9B936}"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ||
- (rExpKey.Open(rCatKey, _T("{42F818E1-9EF6-4241-909B-91E783B9B938}"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS);
- m_bImport = TRUE;
- m_bExport = TRUE;
return(m_bImport || m_bExport); // If it doesn't do either then it isn't a filter
@@ -864,56 +336,49 @@
INT32 HowCompatible = 0;
-PORTNOTE("other","PluginFilter COM bits removed")
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
- if (!CreateFilterObject())
- return(0);
- CComBSTR bsFileName((LPCTSTR)Filename.GetPath());
- HRESULT hRes = m_pFilterObj->HowCompatible(bsFileName, &HowCompatible);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return(0);
// Here we need to run the plugin synchronously with the following options
// -c -f <filename>
// Check stderr for errors
// Get HowCompatible from stdout
+// This currently causes file loading to get upset due to problems with the view being
+// initialised too early (during the wxExecute)
+#if FALSE
+ if (!m_CanImport.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ wxString sCommand(m_CanImport);
+ sCommand.Replace(_T("%IN%"), (LPCTSTR)FileName.GetPath());
- wxString sCommand;
- // Does this need double quotes to cope with spaces in filenames?
- sCommand.Printf(_T("%s -c -f %s"), (LPCTSTR)m_FilterPath.GetPath(), (LPCTSTR)FileName.GetPath());
+ TRACE(_T("Running '%s'"), sCommand.c_str());
- TRACE(_T("Running '%s'"), sCommand.c_str());
- wxArrayString saOutput;
- wxArrayString saErrors;
- int code = wxExecute(sCommand, saOutput, saErrors);
- TRACE(_T("wxExecute returned %d"), code);
- if (code == 0)
- {
- // Extract the value from saOutput
- if (saOutput.Count() > 0)
+ wxArrayString saOutput;
+ wxArrayString saErrors;
+ int code = wxExecute(sCommand, saOutput, saErrors);
+ TRACE(_T("wxExecute returned %d"), code);
+ if (code == 0)
- INT32 Val = wxAtoi(saOutput[0]);
- TRACE(_T("Command '%s' returned string '%s'"), sCommand.c_str(), saOutput[0].c_str());
- TRACE(_T("Value = %d"), Val);
- if (Val >= 0 && Val <= 10)
+ // Extract the value from saOutput
+ if (saOutput.Count() > 0)
- HowCompatible = Val;
+ INT32 Val = wxAtoi(saOutput[0]);
+ TRACE(_T("Command '%s' returned string '%s'"), sCommand.c_str(), saOutput[0].c_str());
+ TRACE(_T("Value = %d"), Val);
+ if (Val >= 0 && Val <= 10)
+ {
+ HowCompatible = Val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE(_T("Command '%s' returned no output value"), sCommand.c_str());
+ }
- TRACE(_T("Command '%s' returned no output value"), sCommand.c_str());
+ TRACE(_T("Command '%s' exited with code %d"), sCommand.c_str(), code);
- else
- {
- TRACE(_T("Command '%s' exited with code %d"), sCommand.c_str(), code);
- }
@@ -941,55 +406,6 @@
*ppNewFile = NULL;
-PORTNOTE("other","PluginFilter COM bits removed")
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
- ERROR2IF(!m_pFilterObj, FALSE, "No filter object in GetImportFile");
- if (m_pXarStream)
- m_pXarStream.Release();
- // Create an IStream for the flare data...
- HRESULT hRes = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, FALSE, &m_pXarStream);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- }
- // Setup a callback object to handle progress
- // TODOG: Pass something useful to callback object
- PluginFilterCallback* pCallback = new PluginFilterCallback((PluginNativeFilter*)Parent);
- // Call DoImport
- PathName FileName = pFile->GetPathName();
- CComBSTR bsFileName(FileName.GetPath());
- hRes = m_pFilterObj->DoImport(bsFileName, m_pXarStream, pCallback->GetInterface());
- // Delete the callback object
- delete pCallback;
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- }
- CCOleStream* pStreamFile = new CCOleStream;
- if (!pStreamFile)
- {
- }
- LARGE_INTEGER Pos = {0};
- m_pXarStream->Seek(Pos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- pStreamFile->attach(m_pXarStream); // Attach to our stream
- m_pXarStream.p->AddRef();
- *ppNewFile = pStreamFile; // Return the new file pointer
- return(TRUE);
// Here we should really run the plugin asynchronously with the following options
// -i -g -f <filename>
@@ -1007,10 +423,11 @@
PathName FileName = pFile->GetPathName();
- wxString sCommand;
- // Does this need double quotes to cope with spaces in filenames?
- sCommand.Printf(_T("%s -i -f %s"), (LPCTSTR)m_FilterPath.GetPath(), (LPCTSTR)FileName.GetPath());
+ wxString sCommand(m_DoImport);
+ sCommand.Replace(_T("%IN%"), (LPCTSTR)FileName.GetPath());
+ TRACE(_T("Running '%s'"), sCommand.c_str());
// Create a process with the TempFile as the stdout
// We will need to derive a new class from CamProcess to handle
// the processing of stderr for errors, warnings and progress
@@ -1089,36 +506,6 @@
-PORTNOTE("other","PluginFilter COM bits removed")
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
- if (!CreateFilterObject())
- {
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (m_pXarStream)
- m_pXarStream.Release();
- // Create an IStream for the flare data...
- HRESULT hRes = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, FALSE, &m_pXarStream);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- }
- CCOleStream* pStreamFile = new CCOleStream(m_pXarStream);
- if (!pStreamFile)
- {
- }
- m_pXarStream.p->AddRef();
- *ppNewFile = pStreamFile; // Return the new file pointer
- return(TRUE);
@@ -1138,38 +525,6 @@
BOOL PluginOILFilter::GetCapabilities(CCLexFile* pFile, PathName* pPath, CapabilityTree* pCapTree)
-PORTNOTE("other","PluginFilter COM bits removed")
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
- ERROR2IF(!m_pFilterObj, FALSE, "No filter object");
- String_256 sPath = pPath->GetPath();
- ERROR2IF(sPath.IsEmpty(), FALSE, "No filename in GetCapabilities");
- CComBSTR bsFileName(sPath);
- // Call the filter object to do the conversion
- HRESULT hRes = m_pFilterObj->PrepareExport(bsFileName, &bsXML);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- Error::SetHResultError(hRes, m_pFilterObj, __uuidof(IXPFilter));
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (hRes == S_FALSE)
- {
- // User has cancelled the export so return the special error that will be ignored
- Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED), 0);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- // Now we build the capabilities structure from the XML
- hRes = BuildCapabilityTree(bsXML, pCapTree);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- Error::SetHResultError(hRes);
- return(FALSE);
- }
// Here we need to run the plugin synchronously with the following options
// -p -f <filename> -x <xmlfilename>
@@ -1179,9 +534,12 @@
// The XML is returned via the file
// Does this need double quotes to cope with spaces in filenames?
- wxString sCommand;
- sCommand.Printf(_T("%s -p -f %s -x %s"), (LPCTSTR)m_FilterPath.GetPath(), (LPCTSTR)pPath->GetPath(), (LPCTSTR)m_XMLFile.GetPath());
+ wxString sCommand(m_PrepareExport);
+ sCommand.Replace(_T("%OUT%"), (LPCTSTR)pPath->GetPath());
+ sCommand.Replace(_T("%XML%"), (LPCTSTR)m_XMLFile.GetPath());
+ TRACE(_T("Running '%s'"), sCommand.c_str());
wxArrayString saOutput;
wxArrayString saErrors;
int code = wxExecute(sCommand, saOutput, saErrors);
@@ -1229,33 +587,6 @@
BOOL PluginOILFilter::DoExport(CCLexFile* pXarFile, PathName* pPath)
-PORTNOTE("other","PluginFilter COM bits removed")
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
- ERROR2IF(!m_pFilterObj, FALSE, "No filter object
- // Reset the stream back to the start ready for the filter to translate it
- pXarFile->seek(0);
- CComBSTR bsFileName(pPath->GetPath());
- // Should probably check the filename here and give a specific error
- // Setup a callback object to handle progress
- // TODOG: Pass something useful to callback object
- PluginFilterCallback* pCallback = new PluginFilterCallback((PluginNativeFilter*)Parent);
- // Call the filter object to do the conversion
- HRESULT hRes = m_pFilterObj->DoExport(bsFileName, m_pXarStream, pCallback->GetInterface());
- // Delete the callback object
- delete pCallback;
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- }
// Here we should just need to wait for the process started in GetExportFile
// to finish
// Check stderr for errors and progress
@@ -1269,10 +600,12 @@
// Check stderr for errors
- wxString sCommand;
- // Does this need double quotes to cope with spaces in filenames?
- sCommand.Printf(_T("%s -e -f %s -x %s"), (LPCTSTR)m_FilterPath.GetPath(), (LPCTSTR)pPath->GetPath(), (LPCTSTR)m_XMLFile.GetPath());
+ wxString sCommand(m_DoExport);
+ sCommand.Replace(_T("%OUT%"), (LPCTSTR)pPath->GetPath());
+ sCommand.Replace(_T("%XML%"), (LPCTSTR)m_XMLFile.GetPath());
+ TRACE(_T("Running '%s'"), sCommand.c_str());
if (!TempFile.open(m_TempXarFile, ios::in | ios::binary))
@@ -1298,55 +631,9 @@
-PORTNOTE("other","PluginFilter COM bits removed")
-#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
-> BOOL PluginOILFilter::CreateFilterObject()
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 18/02/2005
- Returns: TRUE if ok, FALSE if bother
- Purpose:
-BOOL PluginOILFilter::CreateFilterObject()
- if (!m_pFilterObj)
- {
- HRESULT hRes = m_pFilterObj.CoCreateInstance(m_CLSID);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- ERROR1_MSG(FALSE, (_R(IDE_XPF_CREATEFILTERFAILED), &(((PluginNativeFilter*)Parent)->FilterName), hRes));
- }
- }
- return(TRUE);
-> void PluginOILFilter::ReleaseFilterObject()
- Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
- Created: 18/02/2005
- Purpose:
-void PluginOILFilter::ReleaseFilterObject()
- m_pFilterObj.Release();
- m_pXarStream.Release();
> BOOL PluginOILFilter::BuildCapabilityTree(wxString strXmlFilename, CapabilityTree* pCapTree)
Author: Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xpoilflt.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xpoilflt.h (revision 1005)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/xpoilflt.h (revision 1006)
@@ -222,7 +222,12 @@
BOOL m_bImport;
BOOL m_bExport;
- PathName m_FilterPath; // Full path to filter executable
+ wxString m_InternalName; // Internal name for filter (used to build path for XML config)
+ wxString m_PrepareExport; // Command for PrepareExport
+ wxString m_DoExport; // Command for DoExport
+ wxString m_CanImport; // Command for CanImport
+ wxString m_DoImport; // Command for DoImport
PathName m_XMLFile; // Full path to filter XML config file for the current user
PathName m_TempXarFile; // Full path to temporary Xar file