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[XaraXtreme-commits] Commit Complete

Commit by  : alex
Repository : xara
Revision   : 1279
Date       : Thu Jun  8 23:05:07 BST 2006

Changed paths:
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/normalise.pl
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/removeincludes.sh
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/sgindgen.cpp

More include removal work

Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/removeincludes.sh
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/removeincludes.sh	(revision 1278)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/removeincludes.sh	(revision 1279)
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
-( for i in `(Scripts/gendeps.pl -t camtypes.h.gch debug/PreComp/.deps/*.Po | awk -F: '{print $2}') | tee $TMPFILE `  ; do echo --removeinclude $i ; done ) > $TMPFILE2
+echo animparams.h app.h arrows.h attr.h attrmgr.h attrval.h barmsg.h bars.h basedoc.h basestr.h becomea.h biasgain.h binds.h binreloc.h bitmap.h bitmapcache.h bitmapcachekey.h bmplist.h camfiltr.h camresource.h camstring.h  capturemanager.h ccfile.h ccmaths.h ccobject.h clikmods.h colcarry.h colmodel.h compatdef.h convert.h coord.h cursor.h cxfdefs.h cxfrec.h cxfrech.h defalloc.h dialogop.h dibconv.h dibutil.h dlgtypes.h doccolor.h doccomp.h doccoord.h dockbar.h docmsgs.h docrect.h document.h docview.h docvmsg.h dragtrgt.h ensure.h epsclist.h epsfiltr.h epsstack.h errors.h exception.h fillattr.h fillval.h filters.h fix24.h fixed.h fixed16.h fixed24.h fixmem.h fixst128.h fixst256.h fixstr16.h fixstr32.h fixstr64.h fixstr8.h flags.h fontclass.h fraclist.h gconsts.h genlist.h genstack.h gradtype.h group.h handles.h ink.h iprofile.h iterator.h list.h listitem.h matrix.h memblk.h memdebug.h memory.h mfccontainer.h monotime.h msg.h node.h nodeattr.h nodecomp.h npaper.h oilcoord.h oilfltrs.h oilrect.h opdesc.h ops.h outptdib.h outptgif.h paldefs.h pathname.h paths.h pathshap.h pathtype.h prefs.h pump.h quality.h ralphint.h range.h rect.h release.h rendtype.h rgnlist.h rndrgn.h rndstack.h rrcaps.h selmsg.h selop.h selstate.h sgallery.h sgscan.h sgtree.h slowjob.h spread.h stdwx.h stockcol.h thumb.h tool.h tranform.h trans2d.h txtattr.h undoop.h units.h unittype.h varstr.h view.h wincoord.h winrect.h wrkcoord.h xlong.h xmatrix.h | perl -pe 's/camtypes.h//g;' > $TMPFILE
+# Scripts/gendeps.pl -t camtypes.h.gch debug/PreComp/.deps/*.Po | awk -F: '{print $2}') | perl -pe 's/camtypes.h//g;' > $TMPFILE
+( for i in `cat $TMPFILE` ; do echo --removeinclude $i ; done ) | xargs echo > $TMPFILE2
-DIRS="GDraw Kernel PreComp tools wxOil wxXtra"
-(cat $TMPFILE2 ; find $DIRS '(' -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.c' -or -name '*.h' ')'  `cat $TMPFILE | perl -pe 's/\s+$//g;s/\s+/\ -and \-not \-name /g'` | egrep -v "wxOil/(xrc/)?(resources|winresources).cpp" ) | xargs Scripts/normalise.pl
+# Note do NOT process wxXtra or PreComp
+DIRS="GDraw Kernel tools wxOil"
+(cat $TMPFILE2 ; find $DIRS '(' -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.c' -or -name '*.h' ')' -and -not -name camtypes.h -and -not -name `cat $TMPFILE | perl -pe 's/\s+$//g;s/^\s+//g;s/\s+/\ -and \-not \-name /g'` | egrep -v "wxOil/(xrc/)?(resources|winresources).cpp" ) | xargs Scripts/normalise.pl --no-fixauthors --no-fixtypes --fixnl --no-fixtrace --no-fixoptoken --no-fixresource --no-fixsvn --no-fixkeys --no-fixralph --no-fixnotice | tee /tmp/x
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/normalise.pl
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/normalise.pl	(revision 1278)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/normalise.pl	(revision 1279)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
    --fixnl    / --no-fixnl         - strip out carriage returns, make
                                      sure file ends in a newline (default: on)
-   --fixauthors / --no-fix-authors - substitute deprecated author codes
+   --fixauthors / --no-fixauthors  - substitute deprecated author codes
                                      with email addresses etc. (default: on)
    --fixtypes / --no-fixtypes      - change references to deprecated types
                                      to new types (default: on)
@@ -310,7 +310,11 @@
 	# Remove unwanted includes
 	if (scalar(@removeinclude))
-	    $line="" if ($line =~ /$removeincludepat/);
+	    if ($line =~ /$removeincludepat/)
+	    {
+		chomp($line);
+		$line="//$line - in camtypes.h [AUTOMATICALLY REMOVED]
+	    }
 	# Fix trace statements to quote the string in _T if it's not
@@ -736,7 +740,8 @@
 	    $p.="|" if ($p ne "");
-	$removeincludepat=qr/^\s*\#include\s+\"$p\".*$/;
+#	$removeincludepat="^\s*\#include\s+\\"$p\\".*\$";
+	$removeincludepat=qr/^\s*\#include\s+\"($p)\".*$/;
 	print STDERR "Remove pattern $removeincludepat
" if ($verbose);
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/sgindgen.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/sgindgen.cpp	(revision 1278)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/sgindgen.cpp	(revision 1279)
@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@
 #include "bmpexdoc.h"
 #include "bmpfiltr.h"
 #include "prvwflt.h"
-#include "docview.h" */
+#include "docview.h"
 extern BOOL MakeShortPath(LPTSTR lpszPath, size_t cchMaxLen);
