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[XaraXtreme-commits] Commit Complete
Commit by : luke
Repository : xara
Revision : 1500
Date : Mon Jul 24 11:43:12 BST 2006
Changed paths:
M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bmapprev.cpp
M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp
M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.h
Slight tidy-up of oil in kernel
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bmapprev.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bmapprev.cpp (revision 1499)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bmapprev.cpp (revision 1500)
@@ -725,71 +725,8 @@
m_DialogWnd = m_pPreviewDlg->WindowID;
ERROR2IF(m_DialogWnd == NULL, FALSE, "No preview dialog!");
-PORTNOTE("other","Nasty pool of oil contaminating nive clean kernel");
- // Fuse the whole lot into one dialog
- wxSizer* pMainSizer = WindowID->GetSizer();
- wxSizer* pVertSizer( new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ) );
- pVertSizer->Add( m_pPreviewDlg->WindowID, wxALL );
- pVertSizer->Add( pMainSizer );
+ DialogManager::MergeDialogs( WindowID, m_pPreviewDlg->WindowID, true );
- WindowID->SetSizerAndFit( pVertSizer, false );
-PORTNOTE("other","Preview section NOT setup");
- //And get the Preview Dialog's rectangle
- wxRect rectPreview;
- GetWindowRect(m_DialogWnd, &rectPreview);
- //First we must get the height of the Preview section
- INT32 lPreviewHeight = rectPreview.GetBottom() - rectPreview.GetTop();
- ERROR2IF(lPreviewHeight <= 0, FALSE, "Preview Dialog has no height");
- if (!m_MovedWindow)
- {
- // Move the window to take account of it's incressed size (only need to do this
- // the first time the dialog is run) and incress its size
- ::MoveWindow(
- WindowID, // The window
- Rect.GetLeft(), // Horiz position
- Rect.GetTop() - lPreviewHeight / 2, // Vertical position
- Rect.GetRight() - Rect.GetLeft(), // Width
- Rect.GetBottom() - Rect.GetTop() + lPreviewHeight, // Height
- TRUE // Repaint option
- );
- m_MovedWindow = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Just incress the window's size
- ::MoveWindow(
- WindowID, // The window
- Rect.GetLeft(), // Horiz position
- Rect.GetTop(), // Vertical position
- Rect.GetRight() - Rect.GetLeft(), // Width
- Rect.GetBottom() - Rect.GetTop() + lPreviewHeight, // Height
- TRUE // Repaint option
- );
- }
- // Now step 2. We need to move the tabbed section
- // downwards by the height of the Preview dialog.
- // Remember, take into account the height of the tabs which will be the top offset
- ChildWindowParameters cwpToPass;
- cwpToPass.FirstID = WindowID;
- cwpToPass.SecondID = m_DialogWnd;
- cwpToPass.Distance = lPreviewHeight;
- cwpToPass.TopOffset = 28;
- EnumChildWindows(WindowID, EnumChildProc, (LPARAM)&cwpToPass);
- //Right and...er...move the Preview section again.
- //I've no idea how the preview section got moved,
- //but it does, and moving it again does actually
- //produce the right effect, so let's not question
- //why.
- MoveWindow(m_DialogWnd, 0, 0, rectPreview.GetRight() - rectPreview.GetLeft(), rectPreview.GetBottom() - rectPreview.GetTop(), TRUE);
// enable our window (which has been disabled when the preview window was created)
WindowID->Enable( TRUE );
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.h (revision 1499)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.h (revision 1500)
@@ -363,6 +363,9 @@
// resources associated with it. It hides the dialog.
static void Close(CWindowID WindowID, DialogOp* DlgOp);
+ // Place dialog above or below exist controls in dialog
+ static BOOL MergeDialogs( CWindowID Dialog, CWindowID Mergee, bool fAbove );
// Brings a dialog to the top-most z-order position
static BOOL BringToTop(CWindowID WindowID, DialogOp* pDlgOp);
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp (revision 1499)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/dlgmgr.cpp (revision 1500)
@@ -845,8 +845,36 @@
+> static BOOL MergeDialogs( CWindowID Dialog, CWindowID Mergee, bool fAbove )
+ Author: Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <lukeh@xxxxxxxx>
+ Created: 21/07/2006
+ Inputs: -
+ Returns: FALSE if the function failed.
+ Purpose: This function places the contents of a dialog above or below the
+ contents of an existing dialog
+BOOL DialogManager::MergeDialogs( CWindowID Dialog, CWindowID Mergee, bool fAbove )
+ wxSizer* pMainSizer = Dialog->GetSizer();
+ wxSizer* pVertSizer( new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ) );
+ if( fAbove )
+ pVertSizer->Add( Mergee, wxALL );
+ pVertSizer->Add( pMainSizer );
+ if( !fAbove )
+ pVertSizer->Add( Mergee, wxALL );
+ Dialog->SetSizerAndFit( pVertSizer, false );
+ return TRUE;
> static BOOL DialogManager::BringToTop(CWindowID WindowID)
Author: Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>