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[XaraXtreme-commits] Commit Complete

Commit by  : alex
Repository : xara
Revision   : 1771
Date       : Sun Jun 17 21:14:44 BST 2007

Changed paths:
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/biasdlg.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bitfilt.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/cxftags.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/fillattr.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/nodebmp.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/optsview.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/xpfilter.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/normalise.pl
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/tools/freeinfo.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapdropdown.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapdropdown.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapgriddropdown.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapgriddropdown.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/camelot.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/fileinfolist.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/fileinfolist.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/griddropdown.cpp
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/griddropdown.h
   M /Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/grndprnt.cpp

Fix some random type breakage.

Index: Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -646,9 +646,9 @@
->	void OpZoom::ZoomTo(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, int nPercent, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE)
+>	void OpZoom::ZoomTo(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, INT32 nPercent, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE)
-	Author:		JustinF
+	Author:		Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	23/4/95
 	Inputs:		wcZoom			the point to zoom in at
 				fEndOp			whether to end this operation after this zoom
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
 				will call the End() function for this operation afterwards.
-void OpZoom::ZoomTo(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, int nPercent, BOOL fEndOp)
+void OpZoom::ZoomTo(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, INT32 nPercent, BOOL fEndOp)
 	// Find out the current view.
 	DocView* pDocView = DocView::GetCurrent();
@@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@
 >	static OpState OpZoomToo100::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	18/09/06
 	Inputs:		Description = ptr to place description of why this op can't happen
 				pOpDesc     = ptr to the Op Desc associated with this op
@@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@
 >	virtual void OpZoomToo100::Do(OpDescriptor* pOpDesc)
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	18/09/06
 	Inputs:		pointer to the OpZoomDescriptor being invoked
 	Purpose:	Calls the base class function to zoom to 100%!
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@
 >	static OpState OpZoomTo200::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	18/09/06
 	Inputs:		Description = ptr to place description of why this op can't happen
 				pOpDesc     = ptr to the Op Desc associated with this op
@@ -1279,7 +1279,7 @@
 >	virtual void OpZoomTo200::Do(OpDescriptor* pOpDesc)
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	18/09/06
 	Inputs:		pointer to the OpZoomDescriptor being invoked
 	Purpose:	Calls the base class function to zoom to 200%!
@@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@
 >	static OpState OpZoomToo100::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	18/09/06
 	Inputs:		Description = ptr to place description of why this op can't happen
 				pOpDesc     = ptr to the Op Desc associated with this op
@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@
 >	virtual void OpZoomTo300::Do(OpDescriptor* pOpDesc)
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	18/09/06
 	Inputs:		pointer to the OpZoomDescriptor being invoked
 	Purpose:	Calls the base class function to zoom to 300%!
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@
 >	static OpState OpZoomToo100::GetState(String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	18/09/06
 	Inputs:		Description = ptr to place description of why this op can't happen
 				pOpDesc     = ptr to the Op Desc associated with this op
@@ -1415,7 +1415,7 @@
 >	virtual void OpZoomToo100::Do(OpDescriptor* pOpDesc)
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	18/09/06
 	Inputs:		pointer to the OpZoomDescriptor being invoked
 	Purpose:	Calls the base class function to zoom to 400%!
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.h	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/tools/zoomops.h	(revision 1771)
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
 	void ZoomIn(const WorkCoord& wcZoom, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
 	void ZoomIn(Spread* pZoomSpread, const DocCoord& dcZoomPos, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
-	void ZoomTo( const WorkCoord& wcZoom, int Percent, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
+	void ZoomTo( const WorkCoord& wcZoom, INT32 Percent, BOOL fEndOp = TRUE);
 	// Zoom so that the given rectangle within the current view completely fills the
 	// current view's view-port.
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
 >	class OpZoomTo100 : public OpZoom
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	15/09/06
 	Purpose:	This op has been written so that we can use the NumPad Plus key to fire off
 				a zoom in operation. We can`t use the zoom op directly as the hotkey code
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
 >	class OpZoomTo200 : public OpZoom
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	15/09/06
 	Purpose:	This op has been written so that we can use the NumPad Plus key to fire off
 				a zoom in operation. We can`t use the zoom op directly as the hotkey code
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
 >	class OpZoomTo300 : public OpZoom
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	15/09/06
 	Purpose:	This op has been written so that we can use the NumPad Plus key to fire off
 				a zoom in operation. We can`t use the zoom op directly as the hotkey code
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
 >	class OpZoomTo400 : public OpZoom
-	Author:		Luke Hart
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	15/09/06
 	Purpose:	This op has been written so that we can use the NumPad Plus key to fire off
 				a zoom in operation. We can`t use the zoom op directly as the hotkey code
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/tools/freeinfo.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/tools/freeinfo.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/tools/freeinfo.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
 	// Someone selected a new brush
-	int Index = m_bgddStrokes.GetSelected();
+	INT32 Index = m_bgddStrokes.GetSelected();
 	// what we are going to do is apply a stroke attribute and a variable width attribute at the 
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/fillattr.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/fillattr.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/fillattr.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -5612,7 +5612,7 @@
 >	BOOL AttrBitmapFill::ReplaceBitmap(KernelBitmap* pOrigBitmap, KernelBitmap* pNewBitmap)
-	Author:		Gerry
+	Author:		Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	07/08/2006
 	Inputs:		pOrigBitmap	- pointer to a KernelBitmap
@@ -5644,7 +5644,7 @@
 >	double AttrBitmapFill::GetEffectiveBitmapMinDPI(KernelBitmap* pBitmap)
-	Author:		Gerry
+	Author:		Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	07/08/2006
 	Inputs:		pBitmap		- pointer to a KernelBitmap
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/xpfilter.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/xpfilter.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/xpfilter.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@
 >	BOOL PluginNativeFilter::DoBitmapResamplePass(CapabilityTree* pPlugCaps)
-	Author:		Gerry
+	Author:		Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	04/08/2006
 	Inputs:		pPlugCaps	- pointer to a CapabilityTree
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/optsview.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/optsview.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/optsview.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@
 	// Set the force JPEG DPI flag
-	pPrefsDlg->SetLongGadgetValue( _R(IDC_JPEG_96DPI_CHECK), LONG(JPEGImportFilter::GetImportAt96dpi()) );
+	pPrefsDlg->SetLongGadgetValue( _R(IDC_JPEG_96DPI_CHECK), INT32(JPEGImportFilter::GetImportAt96dpi()) );
 	// Section = Window
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bitfilt.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bitfilt.h	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/bitfilt.h	(revision 1771)
@@ -522,9 +522,9 @@
->	inline LONG GridLock(LONG Position, LONG GridSize)
+>	inline INT32 GridLock(INT32 Position, INT32 GridSize)
-	Author:		Neville from Jason code in coldlog.cpp
+	Author:		Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx> from Jason code in coldlog.cpp
 	Created:	22/9/97
 	Inputs:		Position - The X/Y position, in millipoints
 				GridSize - the size of the grid to lock to, in millipoints
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/biasdlg.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/biasdlg.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/biasdlg.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
 //					WORD  DropdownListIndex;
 //					GetValueIndex( _R(IDC_BIASGAINCOMBO), &DropdownListIndex );
-					int iSelected = m_pobddStandardProfile->GetSelected();
+					INT32 iSelected = m_pobddStandardProfile->GetSelected();
 					if (iSelected == -1)
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/nodebmp.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/nodebmp.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/nodebmp.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -2791,8 +2791,8 @@
 		// no remainder, just expressed as division to make derivation clear)
 		FIXED16		pixHorz = NULL != pDocView ? pDocView->GetPixelWidth()  : FIXED16( 72000 / 96 );
 		FIXED16		pixVert = NULL != pDocView ? pDocView->GetPixelHeight() : FIXED16( 72000 / 96 );
-		const LONG HPixelSize = ( pixHorz + 0.5 ).MakeLong();	// Size of output pixel in millipoints
-		const LONG VPixelSize = ( pixVert + 0.5 ).MakeLong();	// Size of output pixel in millipoints
+		const INT32 HPixelSize = ( pixHorz + 0.5 ).MakeLong();	// Size of output pixel in millipoints
+		const INT32 VPixelSize = ( pixVert + 0.5 ).MakeLong();	// Size of output pixel in millipoints
 		// Make sure that this is snapped to a pixel grid
 		BoundsRect.lo.x = DropPos.x - ( Info.RecommendedWidth / 2 );
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/cxftags.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/cxftags.h	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Kernel/cxftags.h	(revision 1771)
@@ -676,17 +676,17 @@
 const UINT32 TAG_OBJECTBOUNDS			= 4129;
-const ULONG TAG_DIMENSION					= 4130;
+const UINT32 TAG_DIMENSION					= 4130;
-const ULONG TAG_SPREAD_PHASE2				= 4131;
+const UINT32 TAG_SPREAD_PHASE2				= 4131;
-const ULONG TAG_CLIPVIEW_PATH				= 4137;
+const UINT32 TAG_CLIPVIEW_PATH				= 4137;
 // XaraLX 0.6
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/normalise.pl
--- Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/normalise.pl	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/Scripts/normalise.pl	(revision 1771)
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
 			my $token="INT32";
 			printf STDERR "$ilab:$inum token $bit, new='%s'\n",$new if ($verbose>3);
 			if ( ( $new =~ /\b(how|so|bytes of the|entries in the|deg\. in a|too|such a|byte|bytes|rather a|very|Created:|elements|great|it.s a|go the|see|1k|\.one long|in the|bits|short or|short, or|as|to get the|digits|\. Another|To cut a|up of a single|characters|one element|which is BufferSize|fairly|entries|rename the|a power of|REM 10|don.t know the|if file has a|4 or 5|Sorry about the|characters are considered illegal when converting|Two dummy|Find the first bit of the|attribute node. from a|accomodate a) $/i ) ||
-			     ( $bits[$bit+1] =~ /^.(story|winded|running|enough|grad table|, but|as possible|narrow boxes|while ago|it took me|life operation|ASCII string|before this|as that|last[,()]s+|time to|filename,\s+|\s+filename of|filename for|one. already exists|way away|names,s+|form, and|time to|filename version|ago|gone\. Returns|directory names|life time|time in the|way behind|pointer|time, there|mother of an extension|is . 32 bits on|and setting BIT_BUF_SIZE|\w+ = wx\w+)\b/i ) ||
+			     ( $bits[$bit+1] =~ /^.(last|story|winded|running|enough|grad table|, but|as possible|narrow boxes|while ago|it took me|life operation|ASCII string|before this|as that|last[,()]s+|time to|filename,\s+|\s+filename of|filename for|one. already exists|way away|names,s+|form, and|time to|filename version|ago|gone\. Returns|directory names|life time|time in the|way behind|pointer|time, there|mother of an extension|is . 32 bits on|and setting BIT_BUF_SIZE|\w+ = wx\w+)\b/i ) ||
 			     ($bits[$bit] =~ /^s+$/)
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/fileinfolist.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/fileinfolist.h	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/fileinfolist.h	(revision 1771)
@@ -1,162 +1,162 @@
-// $Id: customlist.h 1080 2006-05-16 13:24:45Z alex $
-/* @@tag:xara-cn@@ DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE
-               Xara LX, a vector drawing and manipulation program.
-                    Copyright (C) 1993-2006 Xara Group Ltd.
-       Copyright on certain contributions may be held in joint with their
-              respective authors. See AUTHORS file for details.
-This file is part of Xara LX.
-Xara LX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
-by the Free Software Foundation.
-Xara LX and its component source files are distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-with Xara LX (see the file GPL in the root directory of the
-distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
-Conditional upon your continuing compliance with the GNU General Public
-License described above, Xara Group Ltd grants to you certain additional
-The additional rights are to use, modify, and distribute the software
-together with the wxWidgets library, the wxXtra library, and the "CDraw"
-library and any other such library that any version of Xara LX relased
-by Xara Group Ltd requires in order to compile and execute, including
-the static linking of that library to XaraLX. In the case of the
-"CDraw" library, you may satisfy obligation under the GNU General Public
-License to provide source code by providing a binary copy of the library
-concerned and a copy of the license accompanying it.
-Nothing in this section restricts any of the rights you have under
-the GNU General Public License.
-This license applies to this program (XaraLX) and its constituent source
-files only, and does not necessarily apply to other Xara products which may
-in part share the same code base, and are subject to their own licensing
-This license does not apply to files in the wxXtra directory, which
-are built into a separate library, and are subject to the wxWindows
-license contained within that directory in the file "WXXTRA-LICENSE".
-This license does not apply to the binary libraries (if any) within
-the "libs" directory, which are subject to a separate license contained
-within that directory in the file "LIBS-LICENSE".
-Subject to the terms of the GNU Public License (see above), you are
-free to do whatever you like with your modifications. However, you may
-(at your option) wish contribute them to Xara's source tree. You can
-find details of how to do this at:
-  http://www.xaraxtreme.org/developers/
-Prior to contributing your modifications, you will need to complete our
-contributor agreement. This can be found at:
-  http://www.xaraxtreme.org/developers/contribute/
-Please note that Xara will not accept modifications which modify any of
-the text between the start and end of this header (marked
-Xara, Xara LX, Xara X, Xara X/Xtreme, Xara Xtreme, the Xtreme and Xara
-designs are registered or unregistered trademarks, design-marks, and/or
-service marks of Xara Group Ltd. All rights in these marks are reserved.
-      Xara Group Ltd, Gaddesden Place, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 6EX, UK.
-                        http://www.xara.com/
- */
-#include <wx/imaglist.h>
-class CFileInfoList
-	class CListRow
-	{
-		private:
-			CListRow(CFileInfoList* plstParent, INT32 iRow);
-			friend class CFileInfoList;
-		public:
-			CListRow(const CListRow& roOtherRow);
-			~CListRow();
-			const CListRow& operator= (const CListRow& roOtherRow);
-			void SetBitmap(UINT32 uiBitmapID);
-			void SetText(INT32 iColumn, String_256 strText);
-		protected:
-			CFileInfoList* m_plstParent;
-			INT32		  m_iRow;		// The row number this item represents.
-	};
-	CFileInfoList();
-	virtual ~CFileInfoList();
-	// Initialize the control.
-	BOOL Init(CWindowID ParentDlg, CGadgetID GadgetID);
-	// Add a new column
-	void AddColumn(String_64 strHeader, INT32 iWidth = -1, INT32 iFormat = wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT);
-	// Add a new row.
-	CListRow AddRow();
-	// Remove all entries from the list control.
-	void Clear();
-	// Set bitmap to a row. 
-	void SetRowBitmap(INT32 iRow, UINT32 uiBitmapID);
-	// Set text to a cell.
-	void SetRowText(INT32 iRow, INT32 iColumn, String_256 strText);
-	friend class CListRow;
-	// Helper functions.
-	wxListCtrl*  GetListCtrl();
-	wxImageList* GetImageList();
-	//	wxImageList* m_imglstListIcons;
-	CWindowID m_widParentDlg;
-	CGadgetID m_gdgidGadget;
-	static const INT32 m_ciImageListType = wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL;
+// $Id: customlist.h 1080 2006-05-16 13:24:45Z alex $
+/* @@tag:xara-cn@@ DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE
+               Xara LX, a vector drawing and manipulation program.
+                    Copyright (C) 1993-2006 Xara Group Ltd.
+       Copyright on certain contributions may be held in joint with their
+              respective authors. See AUTHORS file for details.
+This file is part of Xara LX.
+Xara LX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+Xara LX and its component source files are distributed in the hope
+that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with Xara LX (see the file GPL in the root directory of the
+distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+Conditional upon your continuing compliance with the GNU General Public
+License described above, Xara Group Ltd grants to you certain additional
+The additional rights are to use, modify, and distribute the software
+together with the wxWidgets library, the wxXtra library, and the "CDraw"
+library and any other such library that any version of Xara LX relased
+by Xara Group Ltd requires in order to compile and execute, including
+the static linking of that library to XaraLX. In the case of the
+"CDraw" library, you may satisfy obligation under the GNU General Public
+License to provide source code by providing a binary copy of the library
+concerned and a copy of the license accompanying it.
+Nothing in this section restricts any of the rights you have under
+the GNU General Public License.
+This license applies to this program (XaraLX) and its constituent source
+files only, and does not necessarily apply to other Xara products which may
+in part share the same code base, and are subject to their own licensing
+This license does not apply to files in the wxXtra directory, which
+are built into a separate library, and are subject to the wxWindows
+license contained within that directory in the file "WXXTRA-LICENSE".
+This license does not apply to the binary libraries (if any) within
+the "libs" directory, which are subject to a separate license contained
+within that directory in the file "LIBS-LICENSE".
+Subject to the terms of the GNU Public License (see above), you are
+free to do whatever you like with your modifications. However, you may
+(at your option) wish contribute them to Xara's source tree. You can
+find details of how to do this at:
+  http://www.xaraxtreme.org/developers/
+Prior to contributing your modifications, you will need to complete our
+contributor agreement. This can be found at:
+  http://www.xaraxtreme.org/developers/contribute/
+Please note that Xara will not accept modifications which modify any of
+the text between the start and end of this header (marked
+Xara, Xara LX, Xara X, Xara X/Xtreme, Xara Xtreme, the Xtreme and Xara
+designs are registered or unregistered trademarks, design-marks, and/or
+service marks of Xara Group Ltd. All rights in these marks are reserved.
+      Xara Group Ltd, Gaddesden Place, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 6EX, UK.
+                        http://www.xara.com/
+ */
+#include <wx/imaglist.h>
+class CFileInfoList
+	class CListRow
+	{
+		private:
+			CListRow(CFileInfoList* plstParent, INT32 iRow);
+			friend class CFileInfoList;
+		public:
+			CListRow(const CListRow& roOtherRow);
+			~CListRow();
+			const CListRow& operator= (const CListRow& roOtherRow);
+			void SetBitmap(UINT32 uiBitmapID);
+			void SetText(INT32 iColumn, String_256 strText);
+		protected:
+			CFileInfoList* m_plstParent;
+			INT32		  m_iRow;		// The row number this item represents.
+	};
+	CFileInfoList();
+	virtual ~CFileInfoList();
+	// Initialize the control.
+	BOOL Init(CWindowID ParentDlg, CGadgetID GadgetID);
+	// Add a new column
+	void AddColumn(String_64 strHeader, INT32 iWidth = -1, INT32 iFormat = wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT);
+	// Add a new row.
+	CListRow AddRow();
+	// Remove all entries from the list control.
+	void Clear();
+	// Set bitmap to a row. 
+	void SetRowBitmap(INT32 iRow, UINT32 uiBitmapID);
+	// Set text to a cell.
+	void SetRowText(INT32 iRow, INT32 iColumn, String_256 strText);
+	friend class CListRow;
+	// Helper functions.
+	wxListCtrl*  GetListCtrl();
+	wxImageList* GetImageList();
+	//	wxImageList* m_imglstListIcons;
+	CWindowID m_widParentDlg;
+	CGadgetID m_gdgidGadget;
+	static const INT32 m_ciImageListType = wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL;
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapdropdown.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapdropdown.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapdropdown.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -212,19 +212,19 @@
 Purpose   : Calculates the dropdown list size
 Returns   : wxSize - the popup list size.
-Parameters: [in] int minWidth   - minimum width; in the current implemetation it's the 
+Parameters: [in] INT32 minWidth   - minimum width; in the current implemetation it's the 
 								  size of combobox control itself. In this function we
 								  ignore it;
-            [in] int prefHeight - the preffered height;
-            [in] int maxHeight  - maximum allowed height.
+            [in] INT32 prefHeight - the preffered height;
+            [in] INT32 maxHeight  - maximum allowed height.
 Notes     : 
-wxSize wxCamBitmapDropdownPopup::GetAdjustedSize(int minWidth, int prefHeight, int maxHeight)
+wxSize wxCamBitmapDropdownPopup::GetAdjustedSize(INT32 minWidth, INT32 prefHeight, INT32 maxHeight)
 	// We should ignore the min width, since it's usually the size of the combobox
 	// (we can have a dropdown with width less than the control).
-    int  height			= 250;
+    INT32  height			= 250;
     BOOL bNeedScrollbar = FALSE;
     if ( m_strings.GetCount() )
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
         if ( height > maxHeight )
             height = maxHeight;
-        int totalHeight = GetTotalHeight(); // + 3;
+        INT32 totalHeight = GetTotalHeight(); // + 3;
         if ( height >= totalHeight )
             height = totalHeight;
@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@
             // Adjust height to a multiple of the height of the first item
             // NB: Calculations that take variable height into account
             //     are unnecessary.
-            int fih = GetLineHeight(0);
-            int shown = height/fih;
+            INT32 fih = GetLineHeight(0);
+            INT32 shown = height/fih;
             height = shown * fih;
             bNeedScrollbar = TRUE;
@@ -256,10 +256,10 @@
         height = 50;
     // Take scrollbar into account in width calculations
-    int iWidth = GetWidestItemWidth();
+    INT32 iWidth = GetWidestItemWidth();
 	if (bNeedScrollbar)
     	iWidth += wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X);
-//	int widestWidth = m_widestWidth + wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X);
+//	INT32 widestWidth = m_widestWidth + wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X);
     return wxSize(iWidth, height+2);
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/griddropdown.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/griddropdown.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/griddropdown.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -147,11 +147,11 @@
 Parameters: [in] wxDC&	 dc		- the device context to draw to;
             [in] wxRect& rect	- the area of the item;
-            [in] int	 iItem	- item index;
-            [in] int	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
+            [in] INT32	 iItem	- item index;
+            [in] INT32	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
 Notes     : Delegates the call to the control class.
-void wxCamGridPopup::DrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, int iFlags)
+void wxCamGridPopup::DrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags)
 	if (m_pDropDown)
 		m_pDropDown->DrawItem(dc, rect, iItem, iFlags);
@@ -499,11 +499,11 @@
 Parameters: [in] wxDC&	 dc		- the device context to draw to;
             [in] wxRect& rect	- the area of the item;
-            [in] int	 iItem	- item index;
-            [in] int	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
+            [in] INT32	 iItem	- item index;
+            [in] INT32	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
 Notes     : 
-void CGridDropDown::DrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, INT32 iFlags)
+void CGridDropDown::DrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags)
 	// Erase the background first.
 	static wxPen   penBackground(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE));
@@ -539,12 +539,12 @@
 Parameters: [in] wxDC&	 dc		- the device context to draw to;
             [in] wxRect& rect	- the area of the item;
-            [in] int	 iItem	- item index;
-            [in] int	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
+            [in] INT32	 iItem	- item index;
+            [in] INT32	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
 Notes     : The return rect specifies where the item should be drawn. It can be smaller
 			if we draw a frame and want the item itself to be drawn inside this frame.
-wxRect CGridDropDown::PreDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, INT32 iFlags)
+wxRect CGridDropDown::PreDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags)
 	// Shouldn't do anything if the combobox itself is drawn.
 	if (iFlags & wxGridComboPopup::keComboControl)
@@ -577,11 +577,11 @@
 Parameters: [in] wxDC&	 dc		- the device context to draw to;
             [in] wxRect& rect	- the area of the item;
-            [in] int	 iItem	- item index;
-            [in] int	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
+            [in] INT32	 iItem	- item index;
+            [in] INT32	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
 Notes     : Here we highlight the selected item.
-void   CGridDropDown::PostDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, INT32 iFlags)
+void   CGridDropDown::PostDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags)
 	// Shouldn't do anything if the combobox itself is drawn - no reason
 	// to draw selection in the combobox itslef.
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapgriddropdown.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapgriddropdown.h	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapgriddropdown.h	(revision 1771)
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
 	CBGDDItemInfo* GetItemData(INT32 iItem);
-	virtual void DrawItemCore(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, INT32 iFlags);
+	virtual void DrawItemCore(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags);
 	wxBitmap*	  PreviewBrush(AttrBrushType* pabtBrush);
 	KernelBitmap* PreviewStroke(LineAttrItem* plaiStroke);
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapdropdown.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapdropdown.h	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapdropdown.h	(revision 1771)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 	// Calculates the dropdown size. We need to override it to allow the dropdown list to have smaller
 	// width that the cobobox itself (in  case we have images only).
-    virtual wxSize GetAdjustedSize(int minWidth, int prefHeight, int maxHeight);
+    virtual wxSize GetAdjustedSize(INT32 minWidth, INT32 prefHeight, INT32 maxHeight);
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/griddropdown.h
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/griddropdown.h	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/griddropdown.h	(revision 1771)
@@ -110,16 +110,16 @@
-Class         : wxCamGridPopup
-Base Class    : public wxGridComboPopup
-Author        : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Description   : Customization of the wxGridComboPopup.
-Pure Virtual  : None
-Known Issues  : None
-Usage Notes   : None
-Override Notes: None
+Class         : wxCamGridPopup
+Base Class    : public wxGridComboPopup
+Author        : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Description   : Customization of the wxGridComboPopup.
+Pure Virtual  : None
+Known Issues  : None
+Usage Notes   : None
+Override Notes: None
 class wxCamGridPopup : public wxGridComboPopup
 // friend class CGridDropDown;
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 	wxCamGridPopup(CGridDropDown* pDropDown, wxGridCombo* pCombo);
 	virtual ~wxCamGridPopup();
-	virtual void DrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, int iFlags);
+	virtual void DrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags);
 	CGridDropDown* m_pDropDown;
@@ -136,16 +136,16 @@
-Class         : CGridDropDown
-Base Class    : public ListItem
-Author        : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Description   : Control class for wxGridCombo control.
-Pure Virtual  : None
-Known Issues  : None
-Usage Notes   : None
-Override Notes: None
+Class         : CGridDropDown
+Base Class    : public ListItem
+Author        : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Description   : Control class for wxGridCombo control.
+Pure Virtual  : None
+Known Issues  : None
+Usage Notes   : None
+Override Notes: None
 class CGridDropDown : public ListItem
 	friend class wxCamGridPopup;
@@ -188,11 +188,11 @@
 protected:		// Methods that must be overridden by derived classes
-	virtual void DrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, INT32 iFlags);
+	virtual void DrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags);
-	virtual wxRect PreDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, INT32 iFlags);
-	virtual void   DrawItemCore(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, INT32 iFlags) = 0;
-	virtual void   PostDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, INT32 iFlags);
+	virtual wxRect PreDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags);
+	virtual void   DrawItemCore(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags) = 0;
+	virtual void   PostDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags);
 	void SetListRedraw(BOOL Enable);	// Enables/disables redraw of the list (use while adding items)
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/camelot.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/camelot.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/camelot.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
 		TRACEUSER("luke", _T("CCamApp::FilterEvent focus to %s"), pEventObject->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName());
 /*		if (pEventObject->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(CRenderWnd)))
-			int i=1;
+			INT32 i=1;
 		} */
@@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@
 >	void CCamApp::OnFileOpen()
-	Author:		Rik
+	Author:		Rik_Heywood (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	14/2/95
 	Purpose:	Displays the File Open dialog and opens whichever file was selected.
@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@
 	// Build the list of filters
-	int NativeFilterPos = 0;
+	INT32 NativeFilterPos = 0;
 	TCHAR* pFilters = OpenFileDialog::BuildFilterString(&NativeFilterPos);
 	TRACEUSER( "luke", _T("Filters = %s"), pFilters );
@@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@
 >	virtual void CCamApp::AddToRecentFileList(LPCTSTR pPathName)
-	Author:		Rik
+	Author:		Rik_Heywood (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	8/5/95
 	Inputs:		pPathName - the full path name of the file to add to the list
 	Purpose:	Adds the file to the recent file list
@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@
 >	virtual CDocument* CCamApp::OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpcszFileName)
-	Author:		JustinF
+	Author:		Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	4/7/95
 	Inputs:		lpcszFileName				path to the document file to load
 	Returns:	A pointer to the MFC CDocument object that manages the opened file, or
@@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@
 					// If the document is modified then we may have to ask the user what they
 					// want to do, ie. revert to original, load copy, do nothing.
-					int nResult;
+					INT32 nResult;
 					if (pOpenDocument->IsModified())
 						// OK, we have a modified document.  Run the message box to find out what
@@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@
 >	BOOL CCamApp::MakeDocumentNative(CDocument* pDoc, PathName* Path)
-	Author:		Rik
+	Author:		Rik_Heywood (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx>
 	Created:	14/2/95
 	Inputs:		pDoc - The document to test and change
 				Path - the path of the original document name
@@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@
-	String_256 NewExtension(IDS_DEFAULT_EXTENSION);
+	String_256 NewExtension(_R(IDS_DEFAULT_EXTENSION));
 	// see if the extension is .xar or .cxn
 	if (Extension != OldExtension && OldExtension != NewExtension)
@@ -2781,7 +2781,7 @@
 		while( strPath != _T("") )
-			int			ordSep = strPath.Find( _T(':') );
+			INT32			ordSep = strPath.Find( _T(':') );
 			if( -1 == ordSep )
 				if( strPath.Len() > 0 )
@@ -2815,7 +2815,7 @@
 >	static void FillMediaAppMap( SelMediaDlgParam::CMediaAppList* pMapMediaApp )
-	Author:		Luke_Hart <luke.hartΩxara.com>
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx> <luke.hartΩxara.com>
 	Created:	23/08/06
 	Inputs:		pMapMediaApp - A map to contain all the media apps avaiable on system
 	Outputs:	-
@@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@
 >	bool CCamApp::LaunchMediaApp( const wxString& strUrl )
-	Author:		Luke_Hart <luke.hartΩxara.com>
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx> <luke.hartΩxara.com>
 	Created:	23/08/06
 	Inputs:		strUrl - The path to the file conbtaining the movie to play (could even be 
 							web address)
@@ -2954,7 +2954,7 @@
 >	bool CCamApp::SelectMediaApp()
-	Author:		Luke_Hart <luke.hartΩxara.com>
+	Author:		Luke_Hart (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xxxxxxxx> <luke.hartΩxara.com>
 	Created:	23/08/06
 	Inputs:		-
 	Outputs:	-
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/grndprnt.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/grndprnt.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/grndprnt.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
 	INT32 fwidth = clip.GetWidth();
 	INT32 fheight = clip.GetHeight();
-    wxBitmap bitmap( (int)fwidth, (int)fheight, 24 );
+    wxBitmap bitmap( (INT32)fwidth, (INT32)fheight, 24 );
     wxMemoryDC memDC;
     memDC.Blit(0, 0, fwidth, fheight, &MemDC, 0, 0);
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/fileinfolist.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/fileinfolist.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/fileinfolist.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -1,371 +1,371 @@
-// $Id: customlist.cpp 1082 2006-05-16 14:42:54Z alex $
-/* @@tag:xara-cn@@ DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE
-               Xara LX, a vector drawing and manipulation program.
-                    Copyright (C) 1993-2006 Xara Group Ltd.
-       Copyright on certain contributions may be held in joint with their
-              respective authors. See AUTHORS file for details.
-This file is part of Xara LX.
-Xara LX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
-by the Free Software Foundation.
-Xara LX and its component source files are distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-with Xara LX (see the file GPL in the root directory of the
-distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
-Conditional upon your continuing compliance with the GNU General Public
-License described above, Xara Group Ltd grants to you certain additional
-The additional rights are to use, modify, and distribute the software
-together with the wxWidgets library, the wxXtra library, and the "CDraw"
-library and any other such library that any version of Xara LX relased
-by Xara Group Ltd requires in order to compile and execute, including
-the static linking of that library to XaraLX. In the case of the
-"CDraw" library, you may satisfy obligation under the GNU General Public
-License to provide source code by providing a binary copy of the library
-concerned and a copy of the license accompanying it.
-Nothing in this section restricts any of the rights you have under
-the GNU General Public License.
-This license applies to this program (XaraLX) and its constituent source
-files only, and does not necessarily apply to other Xara products which may
-in part share the same code base, and are subject to their own licensing
-This license does not apply to files in the wxXtra directory, which
-are built into a separate library, and are subject to the wxWindows
-license contained within that directory in the file "WXXTRA-LICENSE".
-This license does not apply to the binary libraries (if any) within
-the "libs" directory, which are subject to a separate license contained
-within that directory in the file "LIBS-LICENSE".
-Subject to the terms of the GNU Public License (see above), you are
-free to do whatever you like with your modifications. However, you may
-(at your option) wish contribute them to Xara's source tree. You can
-find details of how to do this at:
-  http://www.xaraxtreme.org/developers/
-Prior to contributing your modifications, you will need to complete our
-contributor agreement. This can be found at:
-  http://www.xaraxtreme.org/developers/contribute/
-Please note that Xara will not accept modifications which modify any of
-the text between the start and end of this header (marked
-Xara, Xara LX, Xara X, Xara X/Xtreme, Xara Xtreme, the Xtreme and Xara
-designs are registered or unregistered trademarks, design-marks, and/or
-service marks of Xara Group Ltd. All rights in these marks are reserved.
-      Xara Group Ltd, Gaddesden Place, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 6EX, UK.
-                        http://www.xara.com/
- */
-#include "camtypes.h"
-#include "camelot.h"
-#include "errors.h"
-#include "palman.h"
-#include "cartprov.h"
-#include "fileinfolist.h"
-Function  : CFileInfoList::CListRow::CListRow
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : ListRow constructor
-Returns   : void
-Parameters: [in] CFileInfoList* plstParent - list control to represent;
-            [in] INT32			iRow	   - the row to represent.
-Notes     : The constructor is private, only CFileInfoList can create it.
-CFileInfoList::CListRow::CListRow(CFileInfoList* plstParent, INT32 iRow)
-	m_plstParent = plstParent;
-	m_iRow		 = iRow;
-CFileInfoList::CListRow::CListRow(const CListRow& roOtherRow)
-	m_plstParent = roOtherRow.m_plstParent;
-	m_iRow		 = roOtherRow.m_iRow;
-const CFileInfoList::CListRow& CFileInfoList::CListRow::operator= (const CListRow& roOtherRow)
-	m_plstParent = roOtherRow.m_plstParent;
-	m_iRow		 = roOtherRow.m_iRow;
-	return roOtherRow;
-Function  : CFileInfoList::CListRow::SetBitmap
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : Set a bitmap to the row
-Returns   : void
-Parameters: [in] UINT32 uiBitmapID - a new row bitmap.
-Notes     : 
-void CFileInfoList::CListRow::SetBitmap(UINT32 uiBitmapID)
-	m_plstParent->SetRowBitmap(m_iRow, uiBitmapID);
-Function  : CFileInfoList::CListRow::SetText
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : Set text to display
-Returns   : void
-Parameters: [in] INT32		iColumn - column where the text should go;
-            [in] String_256 strText - new text.
-Notes     : 
-void CFileInfoList::CListRow::SetText(INT32 iColumn, String_256 strText)
-	m_plstParent->SetRowText(m_iRow, iColumn, strText);
-	m_widParentDlg = 0;
-	m_gdgidGadget  = 0;
-Function  : CFileInfoList::GetListCtrl
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : Helper function to retrieve the actual list control
-Returns   : wxListCtrl* - the list control associated with this object.
-Parameters: None
-Notes     : 
-wxListCtrl* CFileInfoList::GetListCtrl()
-	wxWindow* pwndGadget = DialogManager::GetGadget(m_widParentDlg, m_gdgidGadget);
-	if (!pwndGadget)
-		return NULL;
-	if (!pwndGadget->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxListCtrl)))
-		return NULL;
-	wxListCtrl* plstList = (wxListCtrl*)pwndGadget;
-	return plstList;
-wxImageList* CFileInfoList::GetImageList()
-	wxListCtrl* pListCtrl = GetListCtrl();
-	wxImageList* pilImageList = pListCtrl->GetImageList(m_ciImageListType);
-	return pilImageList;
-Function  : CBitmapDropDown::Init
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : Initialize the control
-Returns   : BOOL - TRUE if success, FALSE otherwise.
-Parameters: [in] CWindowID Window - the parent window, NULL to deinitialize;
-            [in] CGadgetID Gadget - the control ID.
-Notes     : 
-BOOL CFileInfoList::Init(CWindowID widParentDlg, CGadgetID gdgidGadget)
-	// Obtain the gadget and check if it has an appropriate class (we can
-	// be attached to a wxListCtrl only).
-	wxWindow* pwndGadget = DialogManager::GetGadget(widParentDlg, gdgidGadget);
-	if (pwndGadget && pwndGadget->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxListCtrl)))
-	{
-		m_widParentDlg = widParentDlg;
-		m_gdgidGadget  = gdgidGadget;
-		return(TRUE);
-	}
-	ERROR3("CBitmapDropDown::Init failed - illegal Gadget");
-	return(FALSE);
-Function  : CFileInfoList::AddColumn
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : Add a new column
-Returns   : void
-Parameters: [in] String_64 strHeader - column label;
-            [in] INT32	   iWidth	 - column width;
-            [in] INT32	   iFormat	 - column format (see wxListCtrl::InsertColumn).
-Notes     : 
-void CFileInfoList::AddColumn(String_64 strHeader, INT32 iWidth, INT32 iFormat)
-	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
-	int iColNum = plstList->GetColumnCount();
-	plstList->InsertColumn(iColNum, strHeader, iFormat, iWidth);
-Function  : CFileInfoList::AddRow
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : Adds a new row
-Returns   : CFileInfoList::CListRow - an object to represet the new created row.
-Parameters: None
-Notes     : 
-CFileInfoList::CListRow CFileInfoList::AddRow()
-	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
-	INT32 iRowsCount = plstList->GetItemCount();
-	plstList->InsertItem(iRowsCount, _T(""));
-	return CListRow(this, iRowsCount);
-Function  : CFileInfoList::Clear
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : Removes all elements from the list
-Returns   : void
-Parameters: None
-Notes     : 
-void CFileInfoList::Clear()
-	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
-	plstList->DeleteAllItems();
-	plstList->AssignImageList(NULL, m_ciImageListType);
-Function  : CFileInfoList::SetRowBitmap
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : Set a bitmap to the row.
-Returns   : void
-Parameters: [in] INT32  iRow	   - row to set the bitmap to;
-            [in] UINT32 uiBitmapID - new bitmap ID.
-Notes     : 
-void CFileInfoList::SetRowBitmap(INT32 iRow, UINT32 uiBitmapID)
-	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
-	if (plstList == NULL)
-		return;
-	// Load the bitmap
-	wxBitmap* pBitmap = CamArtProvider::Get()->FindBitmap(uiBitmapID, CAF_DEFAULT);
-	if (pBitmap == NULL)
-		return;
-	// Obtain the control's image list and add the new bitmap into it.
-	wxImageList* pilImageList = GetImageList();
-	// Check if we have to create an image list ourselves.
-	if (pilImageList == NULL)
-	{
-		pilImageList = new wxImageList(pBitmap->GetWidth(), pBitmap->GetHeight(), true, 0);
-		plstList->AssignImageList(pilImageList, m_ciImageListType);
-	}
-	int iBitmapIndex = pilImageList->Add(*pBitmap);
-	// Finally set the item information.
-	plstList->SetItem(iRow, 0, _T(""), iBitmapIndex);
-Function  : CFileInfoList::SetRowText
-Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
-Purpose   : Set new text to a row
-Returns   : void
-Parameters: [in] INT32		iRow	- row to set the text to;
-            [in] INT32		iColumn - column to set the text to;
-            [in] String_256 strText - new text.
-Notes     : 
-void CFileInfoList::SetRowText(INT32 iRow, INT32 iColumn, String_256 strText)
-	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
-	plstList->SetItem(iRow, iColumn, strText);
+// $Id: customlist.cpp 1082 2006-05-16 14:42:54Z alex $
+/* @@tag:xara-cn@@ DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE
+               Xara LX, a vector drawing and manipulation program.
+                    Copyright (C) 1993-2006 Xara Group Ltd.
+       Copyright on certain contributions may be held in joint with their
+              respective authors. See AUTHORS file for details.
+This file is part of Xara LX.
+Xara LX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+Xara LX and its component source files are distributed in the hope
+that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with Xara LX (see the file GPL in the root directory of the
+distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+Conditional upon your continuing compliance with the GNU General Public
+License described above, Xara Group Ltd grants to you certain additional
+The additional rights are to use, modify, and distribute the software
+together with the wxWidgets library, the wxXtra library, and the "CDraw"
+library and any other such library that any version of Xara LX relased
+by Xara Group Ltd requires in order to compile and execute, including
+the static linking of that library to XaraLX. In the case of the
+"CDraw" library, you may satisfy obligation under the GNU General Public
+License to provide source code by providing a binary copy of the library
+concerned and a copy of the license accompanying it.
+Nothing in this section restricts any of the rights you have under
+the GNU General Public License.
+This license applies to this program (XaraLX) and its constituent source
+files only, and does not necessarily apply to other Xara products which may
+in part share the same code base, and are subject to their own licensing
+This license does not apply to files in the wxXtra directory, which
+are built into a separate library, and are subject to the wxWindows
+license contained within that directory in the file "WXXTRA-LICENSE".
+This license does not apply to the binary libraries (if any) within
+the "libs" directory, which are subject to a separate license contained
+within that directory in the file "LIBS-LICENSE".
+Subject to the terms of the GNU Public License (see above), you are
+free to do whatever you like with your modifications. However, you may
+(at your option) wish contribute them to Xara's source tree. You can
+find details of how to do this at:
+  http://www.xaraxtreme.org/developers/
+Prior to contributing your modifications, you will need to complete our
+contributor agreement. This can be found at:
+  http://www.xaraxtreme.org/developers/contribute/
+Please note that Xara will not accept modifications which modify any of
+the text between the start and end of this header (marked
+Xara, Xara LX, Xara X, Xara X/Xtreme, Xara Xtreme, the Xtreme and Xara
+designs are registered or unregistered trademarks, design-marks, and/or
+service marks of Xara Group Ltd. All rights in these marks are reserved.
+      Xara Group Ltd, Gaddesden Place, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 6EX, UK.
+                        http://www.xara.com/
+ */
+#include "camtypes.h"
+#include "camelot.h"
+#include "errors.h"
+#include "palman.h"
+#include "cartprov.h"
+#include "fileinfolist.h"
+Function  : CFileInfoList::CListRow::CListRow
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : ListRow constructor
+Returns   : void
+Parameters: [in] CFileInfoList* plstParent - list control to represent;
+            [in] INT32			iRow	   - the row to represent.
+Notes     : The constructor is private, only CFileInfoList can create it.
+CFileInfoList::CListRow::CListRow(CFileInfoList* plstParent, INT32 iRow)
+	m_plstParent = plstParent;
+	m_iRow		 = iRow;
+CFileInfoList::CListRow::CListRow(const CListRow& roOtherRow)
+	m_plstParent = roOtherRow.m_plstParent;
+	m_iRow		 = roOtherRow.m_iRow;
+const CFileInfoList::CListRow& CFileInfoList::CListRow::operator= (const CListRow& roOtherRow)
+	m_plstParent = roOtherRow.m_plstParent;
+	m_iRow		 = roOtherRow.m_iRow;
+	return roOtherRow;
+Function  : CFileInfoList::CListRow::SetBitmap
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : Set a bitmap to the row
+Returns   : void
+Parameters: [in] UINT32 uiBitmapID - a new row bitmap.
+Notes     : 
+void CFileInfoList::CListRow::SetBitmap(UINT32 uiBitmapID)
+	m_plstParent->SetRowBitmap(m_iRow, uiBitmapID);
+Function  : CFileInfoList::CListRow::SetText
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : Set text to display
+Returns   : void
+Parameters: [in] INT32		iColumn - column where the text should go;
+            [in] String_256 strText - new text.
+Notes     : 
+void CFileInfoList::CListRow::SetText(INT32 iColumn, String_256 strText)
+	m_plstParent->SetRowText(m_iRow, iColumn, strText);
+	m_widParentDlg = 0;
+	m_gdgidGadget  = 0;
+Function  : CFileInfoList::GetListCtrl
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : Helper function to retrieve the actual list control
+Returns   : wxListCtrl* - the list control associated with this object.
+Parameters: None
+Notes     : 
+wxListCtrl* CFileInfoList::GetListCtrl()
+	wxWindow* pwndGadget = DialogManager::GetGadget(m_widParentDlg, m_gdgidGadget);
+	if (!pwndGadget)
+		return NULL;
+	if (!pwndGadget->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxListCtrl)))
+		return NULL;
+	wxListCtrl* plstList = (wxListCtrl*)pwndGadget;
+	return plstList;
+wxImageList* CFileInfoList::GetImageList()
+	wxListCtrl* pListCtrl = GetListCtrl();
+	wxImageList* pilImageList = pListCtrl->GetImageList(m_ciImageListType);
+	return pilImageList;
+Function  : CBitmapDropDown::Init
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : Initialize the control
+Returns   : BOOL - TRUE if success, FALSE otherwise.
+Parameters: [in] CWindowID Window - the parent window, NULL to deinitialize;
+            [in] CGadgetID Gadget - the control ID.
+Notes     : 
+BOOL CFileInfoList::Init(CWindowID widParentDlg, CGadgetID gdgidGadget)
+	// Obtain the gadget and check if it has an appropriate class (we can
+	// be attached to a wxListCtrl only).
+	wxWindow* pwndGadget = DialogManager::GetGadget(widParentDlg, gdgidGadget);
+	if (pwndGadget && pwndGadget->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxListCtrl)))
+	{
+		m_widParentDlg = widParentDlg;
+		m_gdgidGadget  = gdgidGadget;
+		return(TRUE);
+	}
+	ERROR3("CBitmapDropDown::Init failed - illegal Gadget");
+	return(FALSE);
+Function  : CFileInfoList::AddColumn
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : Add a new column
+Returns   : void
+Parameters: [in] String_64 strHeader - column label;
+            [in] INT32	   iWidth	 - column width;
+            [in] INT32	   iFormat	 - column format (see wxListCtrl::InsertColumn).
+Notes     : 
+void CFileInfoList::AddColumn(String_64 strHeader, INT32 iWidth, INT32 iFormat)
+	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
+	INT32 iColNum = plstList->GetColumnCount();
+	plstList->InsertColumn(iColNum, strHeader, iFormat, iWidth);
+Function  : CFileInfoList::AddRow
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : Adds a new row
+Returns   : CFileInfoList::CListRow - an object to represet the new created row.
+Parameters: None
+Notes     : 
+CFileInfoList::CListRow CFileInfoList::AddRow()
+	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
+	INT32 iRowsCount = plstList->GetItemCount();
+	plstList->InsertItem(iRowsCount, _T(""));
+	return CListRow(this, iRowsCount);
+Function  : CFileInfoList::Clear
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : Removes all elements from the list
+Returns   : void
+Parameters: None
+Notes     : 
+void CFileInfoList::Clear()
+	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
+	plstList->DeleteAllItems();
+	plstList->AssignImageList(NULL, m_ciImageListType);
+Function  : CFileInfoList::SetRowBitmap
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : Set a bitmap to the row.
+Returns   : void
+Parameters: [in] INT32  iRow	   - row to set the bitmap to;
+            [in] UINT32 uiBitmapID - new bitmap ID.
+Notes     : 
+void CFileInfoList::SetRowBitmap(INT32 iRow, UINT32 uiBitmapID)
+	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
+	if (plstList == NULL)
+		return;
+	// Load the bitmap
+	wxBitmap* pBitmap = CamArtProvider::Get()->FindBitmap(uiBitmapID, CAF_DEFAULT);
+	if (pBitmap == NULL)
+		return;
+	// Obtain the control's image list and add the new bitmap into it.
+	wxImageList* pilImageList = GetImageList();
+	// Check if we have to create an image list ourselves.
+	if (pilImageList == NULL)
+	{
+		pilImageList = new wxImageList(pBitmap->GetWidth(), pBitmap->GetHeight(), true, 0);
+		plstList->AssignImageList(pilImageList, m_ciImageListType);
+	}
+	INT32 iBitmapIndex = pilImageList->Add(*pBitmap);
+	// Finally set the item information.
+	plstList->SetItem(iRow, 0, _T(""), iBitmapIndex);
+Function  : CFileInfoList::SetRowText
+Author    : Mikhail Tatarnikov
+Purpose   : Set new text to a row
+Returns   : void
+Parameters: [in] INT32		iRow	- row to set the text to;
+            [in] INT32		iColumn - column to set the text to;
+            [in] String_256 strText - new text.
+Notes     : 
+void CFileInfoList::SetRowText(INT32 iRow, INT32 iColumn, String_256 strText)
+	wxListCtrl* plstList = GetListCtrl();
+	plstList->SetItem(iRow, iColumn, strText);
Index: Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapgriddropdown.cpp
--- Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapgriddropdown.cpp	(revision 1770)
+++ Trunk/XaraLX/wxOil/bitmapgriddropdown.cpp	(revision 1771)
@@ -713,11 +713,11 @@
 Parameters: [in] wxDC&	 dc		- the device context to draw to;
             [in] wxRect& rect	- the area of the item;
-            [in] int	 iItem	- item index;
-            [in] int	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
+            [in] INT32	 iItem	- item index;
+            [in] INT32	 iFlags - additional flags (selected, highlighted, ...)
 Notes     : 
-void CBitmapGridDropDown::DrawItemCore(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int iItem, INT32 iFlags)
+void CBitmapGridDropDown::DrawItemCore(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, INT32 iItem, INT32 iFlags)
 	CBGDDItemInfo* pItemData = GetItemData(iItem);
