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Re: [XaraXtreme-dev] Active view problem

Yes it looks very much like that. I was half-expecting the non- visible tabbed views to not even be in the list of visible windows or to be flagged as hidden but they are still in the list.

There's a wxNotebook-specific clause at the top of one of the wxChildWindowFromPoint functions and it looks like that clause should be used for tabbed views - but it isn't.

Either that clause should be used or wxChildWindowFromPoint should to take z order into account.


On 29 Jun 2006, at 18:19, Alex Bligh wrote:

Phil Martin wrote:
The previous thought was that the DocView::Selected was not being set properly but I've just found that that's not the problem. The problem is that DialogManager::GetWindowUnderPointer is returning a pointer to the same view window before and after clicking on the view tab. (That means wxChildWindowFromPoint is returning the wrong window pointer.)

Ah. I can imagine why this might be. Let me think about how to solve
that. It's the problem Gerry identified (I think) about the window
child list order not being the z-order.
