In order for changes to be accepted into the official Xara version, it will be necessary for contributors to sign a contributor's agreement. For more information click here. The Xara LX source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Click here for a copy of the license. Commit Procedure Developers with read-only access to Subversion Please submit unified diffs of source changes to the
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mail list. The changes will be reviewed and a developer with commit access will check in the approved changes. Translators/localizers with read-only access to Subversion Please submit translated (or partially translated) po files to the
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mail list. The changes will be reviewed and someone with commit access will check in the approved changes. Developers/Translators with commit access to Subversion Please submit unified diffs to the
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mail list before checking in significant changes or changes that you think might require input or approval from other developers. Routine changes should be committed first and diffs circulated to the mail list afterwards.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 30 July 2008 18:21 )