Xara’s Bugzilla system is at  bugzilla.xara.com

Browsing Bugs

You don't need a bugzilla account to view the list of known Xara Xtreme for Linux bug reports. Just click the search link and then you can search for keywords in the reports or view all the bugs.

Reporting Bugs

You’ll need to create yourself a Xara Bugzilla account in order to submit bugs, but that’s simply a matter of entering your email address and then you’ll be emailed a password that gives you entry. Please check that a bug is not already logged before submitting.

All bug categories have This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it as the initial owner. This is a mail list that anyone can subscribe to to see Bugzilla bug events. See the Mailing list page for details.

Fixing Bugs

If you see a bug that relates to your code or you just fancy fixing it, it's best to re-assign the bug to yourself so others know you're on the case. Please make sure that you add This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to the CC list for the bug so that interested parties still get notified of events on your bug.

Once you've fixed a bug and the fix is checked into Subversion, please mark it as FIXED with a comment identifying the Subversion source revision number for the fix.


Last Updated ( Saturday, 12 August 2006 11:22 )