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Re: [XaraXtreme-dev] Galleries and focus handling
- From: Alex Bligh <alex@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 10:44:33 +0100
- Subject: Re: [XaraXtreme-dev] Galleries and focus handling
I propose to clarify the rules to say that in Modeless dialogs:
* The Return keypress should commit uncommited values and should be
thought of as being associated with an Apply button, whether an Apply
button exists or not and whether it's labelled Apply or not. The Return
keypress should return focus to the Active View.
* The Escape keypress should abandon any uncomitted values and should be
thought of as being associated with a Cancel button as above. The Escape
keypress should return focus to the Active View.
* Neither keypress should close the dialog.
I could also say that a modeless dialog or its controls may choose to
interpret other keypresses as commands to close the modeless dialog
according to whatever seems best under the native operating system
and/or hotkey configuration???
That wasn't quite what I understood. I've set out my summary below,
plus answers to my own questions. They need reordering (I think
these 5 go below the answers to my own questions), but I think they
are in a format capable of incorporation.
* In modal dialogs, CTRL-W, ALT-F4, Return and Escape are treated
as per the operating system defaults.
* As non-modal dialogs do not gain focus except when a keyboard editable
control [needs definition, see my suggested text below] has
focus, key shortcuts such as CTRL-W, ALT-F4, Return and Escape may
not work in non-modal dialogs unless such a control has focus, unless they
are handled by the window manager itself. Where they do take effect,
their actions are explained below.
* If a keyboard-editable control within a non-modal dialog receives a
commit the contents of the current field. [this handles the bar
case]. If there is a default action (e.g. an apply button), it should
perform that default action, in which case the default button should
be highlighted in some way so it is obvious which "apply" action will
take effect. Examples of where a control processes return itself are
(a) a multi-line text control where return should merely enter
a return in the multi-line text field, (b) where the drop down list
of a combo has been brought up, and return is used to select the
item within the list.
* If a keyboard-editable control within a non-modal dialog receives an
cancel any changes to the current field (restoring it to the previous
value, and then return focus to the selected document. An example of
a control processing the escape keypress itself would be a combo box
where the drop down is popped up, where escape should close the
drop-down (in this instance, a second escape would return focus
to the document).
* I a keyboard-editable control within a non-modal dialog receives a
CTRL-W or ALT-F4 keypress (or other OS 'window close' keypress), it
should process it, cancelling any changes. IE the effect should be
the same as pressing ESCAPE then clicking the close button.
And here are the answers to my own questions:
* Should modeless dialogs LOOK different from modal-ones, to indicate
that they are different beasts - suggestion: thin title bars - galleries
should have these anyway.
* Non-modal dialogs should look different from modal ones to indicate
that they behave differently. They should have thin title-bars, like
galleries on Xtreme. The colour of the title-bar should reflect whether
on not the non-modal dialog has keyboard focus. This will depend upon
whether a keyboard-editable control within the dialog has focus. Unless
this is the case, the non-modal dialog will have a "no focus" title-bar
(normally grey).
* Should there be a simple list of controls that take all keystrokes
when they have focus? IE is it a simple binary decision? We at
least know this is implementable. If so, which controls are on the
list. I have wxComboBox and wxTextControl. This precludes all need for
the "pass the keystroke down" logic because these consume all keys
(when they have focus), and other controls simply can't get focus
in the first place.
* Controls fall into two categories: keyboard-editable controls and
non-keyboard editable controls. The former can take focus in
non-modal dialogs (and include text controls and combo boxes). The
latter cannot. A corollary of this is that the keyboard cannot be
used to control non-keyboard-editable controls in non-modal dialogs
(for instance check-boxes and radio buttons).
* We have not defined exactly when a non-modal dialog gets focus (as
opposed to controls within it). In point 7 you refer to "clicking".
Obviously if you click within a wxTextControl the dialog gets focus.
It is not evident whether clicking on the title-bar or a different
control gets the dialog focus (in which case unhandled keys would
be passed down) or whether those do not give it focus (in which case
keys go to the current view). The difference is in the processing
of ALT-F4, CTRL-W and RETURN. Do these go to the document or to
the dialog? If clicking the title bar does not give focus to the
window, then how do such dialogs ever get focus to process these
* When a non-modal dialog
has focus, focus necessarily resides within a keyboard-editable
control. Pressing TAB will cycle focus around keyboard-editable
controls ONLY. A non-modal dialog with no keyboard editable controls
cannot gain focus. Clicking on a title bar of a non-modal dialog does
not give it focus. When a non-modal dialog is created it should not
have focus until a keyboard-editable control is clicked.
* All controls can have focus in a modal-dialog (i.e. the normal OS
rules are used).
* We have not defined the behaviour of ALT-F4, CTRL-W and RETURN when
the focus is in a control that truly takes focus. For instance,
consider a wxTextControl. Return there (if the text control is
multi-line) does a new line. In a bar, it does a soft-commit of that
field (but not other fields).
See above.
* Do we need ALT-F4, CTRL-W and RETURN handling in non-modal dialogs
(per se) at all? Or should non-modal dialogs ALWAYS act when the
field is committed, and not have a concept of dialog state, in which
case RETURN (at least) is useless.
See above.