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Re: [XaraXtreme-dev] Re: Success


* The 'Build Resources' script: By eyeball, I think that this will
work without problems. I certainly had to modify it before I could use
it, but I believe that the svn version is OK.


* The 'wxrc' executable: In the same vein, I have a working wxrc,
having build wxWidgets from the command line. I am unsure whether wxrc
is build by our project file, or by following the instructions that we
are proposing to go with that project file. It follows that a
first-timer will need help here, either to create that executable or
to in some way work around his or her's not having it.

It's built by wxWidgets. I don't know what installs it so it
can be used as I've never build wxWidgets on the Mac.

However, also note that if you don't pass the -i flag to buildresources
it won't attempt to build internationalized resources (which is
complex) and will not run wxrc OR xgettext. This should reduce
your dependencies.

The wxrc executable is just that - an executable. You can pass a path
to it on the command line for buildresources.pl

I will note that, but if that is the last word on the subject, then we
have created a new obstacle - identifying and possibly pasting in that
path ...

I don't know how XCode projects work, but I would have thought whatever
launches the script could pass something to it as a variable or
similar? How (after all) do you pass in for instance the location
of buildresources.pl itself? Or of the wx headers?

Last time I looked, late on Saturday, nothing in Xara LX is built as a
separate library: This is way I speak of operations on 590 object
files. (This must be as painful for you as it is for me, and I am
guessing that there is a reason for it).

It builds as a separate library from the Makefile. I can't speak
for how the XCode project works (or doesn't work). Each of
the directories in fact builds as a separate library using
the Makefile, but actually it is only necessary that wxXtra

I am getting outwith today's problem and may be speaking about things
I don't fully understand, but I will agree with you 100%.

o Yes, it does break things
o I have no particular view on the wxWidget licence - Does it really interfere
 with commercial operation or use of the code? If there is an actual
or potential
 incompatibility with the GPL, however, this is most serious!

Yes. One is a modified LGPL. One is GPL. Also, Xara have joint
copyright in stuff in the main directories (people have signed
contributor agreements) but not in wxXtra.

o wxXtra should be built as separate library
o wxXtra is much more like wxWidgets code than Xara code

The types used are
different (some having different meanings), the tab indentation
is different etc :-)

o We should consider spinning it off as an entirely separate project, cognate to
 the wxWindows (sic) project file

If you mean "separate XCode project file" that's just fine. If you
mean "separate developement project" (and I don't think you
do) no, because the whole point of the directory is that it's
the stuff Xara needs to compile additional
to 2.6. It's almost entirely backports from 2.7.

I've said publicly (and repeat) that any other project is very
welcome to take what they like from here under the wxWidgets
license (what I didn't backport, I wrote myself), but I don't
really want to turn it into a separate project (e.g. separate
svn) because that would defeat the object.

o At the time of writing, creating a separate project looked the best thing to
 do right now; and I proposed doing this and submitting the patch.

If I am on the wrong lines, you had better tell me, and as I say, I
will  not rush headlong into doing something that will not work

BTW if wxXtra is bringing in old classic Mac headers it's probably
wxgetmousestate that does it. That shouldn't even be compiling anything
if you have wxWidgtets 2.6.3. Separate issue I know...

I think you are right. It is the definition of the 'struct Rect' which
conflicts with Xara's struct Rect. Now, there is a case on general
grounds for putting Xara's struct Rect into a namespace, but even so,
it does look as though wxXtra is pulling in files that it should not,
and it might even be wx's bug.

This is precisely why wxXtra should not be including ANY headers
from outside wxXtra at all (other than the wx ones of course). If
that requires a separate project file, that's fine.
