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RE: [XaraXtreme-dev] RE: Bitmap storage format [Was: Debugging View::RenderOptimalView - request for assistance]


I would have thought the least bug ridden way forward would
be "use DIB format everywhere". How would people feel about that?

Absolutely. It would be good to hear Luke and Gavin's comments about
this first, though.

We ought also to take the opportunity of defining the byte order in
bigendian patforms. IE does it have the same 32bit quantities as
on a little-endian paltform, or does it hold the bytes in the same order?
My preference is for the latter though here we should ask Gavin what he

And then we ought to write the answer down, define it as "Camelot internal
bitmap format" and enforce it everywhere.

Alex [who thinks there is a distinct irony in supporting maintaining DIB
     format in a Linux app]